Chapter 1

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Name: Harry James Potter
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student of Hogwarts
Race: Human(Wizard)
Current State: Unimaginable Pain

The pain Harry was feeling right now, it was nothing he could even describe. Both his arms and legs were broken, including must of his ribs. He's pretty sure his spine was snapped in twine and has was definitely sure his skull had fractured. One of his lungs was punctured by his own broken ribs and his right eye had been gouged out and was gushing with blood.

It was a poor sight to see and if anyone saw the him, they'd think he was dead, a reasonable judgement to be sure. This was definitely more painful than that basilisk bite and he was on the verge of blacking out.

'Heh, to think, one of the most famous wizards in history killed by muggles that could hardly be considered human.' Harry chuckled at the irony, which was a bad idea as he was sent into a surge of coughs, each time splattering blood to add to the already bloodstained floor.

He was bleeding out fast and Hedwig, his trusty and faithful friend lay clutch next to him dead with a knife wound straight in the chest.

Harry wanted to curse how unfair this all was and why this had to happen to him but he was already dying so there was no use complaining. He was in his room right now in a large puddle of his own blood and the cause for all of this damage was hi own relatives as Harry had stated before. Apparently they couldn't take it any more and just wanted to "end the abomination" and "purge the world of it's inhuman filth". They didn't even have the decency to call him a he, just 'it'. It really demoralising for him and had not only decreased his ever so low confidence but shattered an already broken mind.

'At least I'll be with you now Mum and Dad.' Harry thought depressingly as the light left his green eyes and on that day Harry potter had died.

The Boy-Who-Lived, Saviour of the Wizarding World, Slayer(sort of)to possibly one of the most evil and dark wizards to live, died to the hands of muggles who dared to call themselves relatives of the boy.

Oh, and trust me, the Dursley's wont get away with this. When the news got across of Harry's death thanks to the Dursleys, it even managed to warm his bitter enemy Voldemort's heart. This would lead to a temporary alliance with good and evil to make sure the bringer's of Harry's death pain and suffering would pay for their actions. They would spend the rest of their lives feeling the pain Harry went through and none of the Wizarding World regretted it, not even Dumbledore.

Harry awoke to the sight of pure darkness. Everywhere around him was pure inky blackness with the only scent of colour being himself.

'So this is what Death is like. A bit boring but not what I was expecting.' Harry thought as he turned his head, looking around. He looked at himself and was surprised to see his injuries were completely healed but there was a slight problem, well two to be specific.

"Why am I naked?" Harry asked himself out loud. That lead to the other thing that Harry refused to say aloud.

His uh, private parts were missing. Basically the things that made him pee and poo, it was just bare skin.

Anyway, getting off the topic here. Harry was just sat floating there for a good couple of minutes just waiting around and doing nothing.

"Well, this is boring." Harry said to himself. "Wish something would actually happen." He added.

That's when something happened. A glowing blue screen popped up with a message.

Hello player and welcome to the Tutorial on how to play this wonderous game of Yggdrasil, or where your going, the New World.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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