Just Like Them

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Just Like Them

Shane is your typical girl. Shes just a normal kid who goes along with the flow.

Social medias came on trend and she started posting pictures of herself just like any other normal girls do. She sometimes got jealous on how other girls on social medias attract more people and gained many attention than her.

One day one of her friend, Camille posted a picture, half-naked. Camille was not that famous. Until that day when she posted that picture.

Something came up on Shane's mind. What if she'll do what Camille did, will she become more famous? Without hesitation, she locked her room and took a picture of herself. A bit embarassed, she posted it on social media. Then she regretted it not long enough.

Her parents saw what she did and they got angry at her. "What have we done for you to do this? You're such a disappointment for the family!" Her mother told her countless times.

Since that day, Shane felt as if she was alone and no one was on her side at all. No one to tell her she's right or even someone to support her. Not until she met John. A guy from another school.

John is a man of efforts. He went everyday on Shane's school to fetch her and walked with her until she reach home.

"You know how much I love you, I hope you'll accept me as your man soon" Shane felt 'love' on this young man's words.

"All of my friends have boyfriends now. Its a trend. So why not?" She told herself.

So one day she accepted John's love and they were both happy with it... Only for a few months.

But then John said something to Shane. About a new trend that every couple does. Shane was a little hesitant at first but then John told her "Everyone is doing this. It is a trend." Shane was convinced eventhough she must not have to.

They did something only a ready and married couple should do.

A few weeks passed, John become cold at Shane. Shane was so confused and asked herself what have she done wrong for John to be like this.

But then a month passed and even a sign of John's shadow cant be seen. Then another months more, Shane's stomach grew larger. And Shane felt many weird things on the process. She vomitted a lot, felt dizziness most of the time. But she never think of it as a serious matter. She told herself this was just part of growing up.

Neither Shane knew she was pregnant.

Shane tried many things she called trends. Smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks and even drugs. Her reason for doing this was to easen the pain that she felt after John left her.

She soon became addicted to the vices that she called "just a trend". So addicted that she had to stop her studies secretly just to have time for her vices and so-called-friends.

She then suffered severe depression.

Until one day, her mother who felt very sorry for her approached her.

"Shane, you know, we parents are sometimes misunderstood. We are not angry with you. We are angry with ourselves for letting you be so far from us." Her mother's words was full of emotions at that moment but Shane's stone heart was too numb to feel it.

During their conversation, Shane's mother noticed her daughter's stomach.

"Are you pregnant?"

This question strucked Shane's mind like she heard a sound of raging thunder.

"Am I?" She asked herself.

Her eyes enlargen and she couldnt believe what she realized.

She knows more now than before, she knew that what she did with John would result in something like this. But will that One Time can become a real big deal?

Her mother hugged her so tight that she went back to her senses. Realizing everything that she done, she couldnt help herself but to cry.

"I ruined my life..." She said to her mother. She said everything to her. How she abandoned her studies, how she met John, how she used to smoke, drink, and use elligal drugs.

"No Shane, you give chance to another life. To live, and enjoy this world." Her mother told her referring to the child.

Shane smiled a faint smile. She was wrong about her parents. She should've told them earlier.

Her mother supported her pregnancy. She took care of Shane and supplied her vitamins that the doctor recommends and also showed her moral and parental support. But John is still now where to be found. He did great at hiding.

Everything went smoothly. Shane's addiction was cured day by day through regular therapy sessions and psychological support from experts.

Shane can see her future holding her baby, she was planning on naming her baby Eirene which means PEACE. For it was her reason to obtain such peace of mind and in life.

But then one day, her world shaken once more and now for the worst thing she could ever imagine.

Shane is now already 7 months pregnant and she is in the middle of her ultrasound session.

The doctor is about to tell her the gender of the baby but the doctor's expression changed the atmosphere of the hospital room.

"What's wrong doc?" Shane's mother asked.

The doctor just nod and shakes his head.

"Im sorry." He said.
"The baby's dead."

An operation was done right away to take the baby's dead body inside Shane's womb for it will poison her body. But Shane's mind was already poisoned of thoughts. Negative thoughts that is making her insane.

"Honey it's okay." Her mother tried to comfort her but Shane, now looking in an empty space of infinity, looking through a world outside of reality cant hear nothing.

She cant hear words that was spoken to her. She only hears sounds of babies laughing, she can see her, Eirene, running around the house. Playing. Laughing.

She smiled and talked to her. "Eirene, dont run too fast or you'll hurt yourself."

"Oh no Shane." Her mother cried as she look at her daughter talking to herself. She blamed herself for what happened to Shane. "If I could be a better mom for her."


Shane is your typical girl. She's just a normal kid who goes along with the flow.

She sometimes talked to a doll, laughed with herself, plays with her imaginary friends, acting as if she is smoking, drinking and she sometimes hurt herself. She's just 21, yet the things she experienced was too much for her to handle. Too much for her to keep her sanity.

And it was all just because of a normal "trEND".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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