Ch 1 The Janitor

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I remade Aoi!!! She looks so cute now.


"Take this you stupid fuck!!" I shouted as my sword crashed against the skull of a boy who thought it would be funny to grab my bag and throw it out the second-story window so it could land in a puddle of mud.

On my way to class, I caught him in the act and promptly punished him as soon as he released my bag. My reaction time startled the students who were once laughing. They now watched in silence as I beat the crap out of this asshole with my fists and Kendo sword. My classmates backed away at the sight of the passed out boy. I calmed myself down and looked down at the bloodied kid who groaned in pain. My anger is satiated so guilt started to kick in. I felt a little bad for going overboard so I turned to one of his friends, Saki Ejiro, and ordered him to carry his friend to the nurse. Out of fear of being beaten up as well, he obliged my orders. Saki might have peed himself a little as well. Gaining the courage, he rushed down the hallway as his life depended on it. I'd rather these sad sacks of shit fear me, so they don't have the courage to bully me.

"Kurebayashi-San... again? Didn't I warn you about misusing club equipment? Haaa~.", The voice of the Kendo club coach sighed in disappointment.

Everyone else has fled the hallway by now so I'm left alone with Toru-Sensei. I turned my head around to see him standing behind me with his arms crossed and a tired frown on his aging face. Truth be told, I might be the one who has stressed Sensei out to the point of gray streaks appearing in his hair but the female sensei's don't seem to be complaining. Toru-Sensei also has a buff psyche as well so girls my age sneakily watch the Kendo club so they can catch a glimpse of his chest. It's quite large for a man but it fits him.

Don't let that fool you though. Toru-Sensei has a sexy resting face but gets shy easily. That shyness turns into him looking scary and that scares the girls away. Only for them to show up the next time we have a club meeting. God forbid that man to participate in practice to show us a new move. I'm not one to fall in love with older men but Toru-Sensei would be the exception with how sexy he looks in his kendo outfit.

Despite his grumpy and strict outer appearance, Toru-Sensei is a giant teddy bear towards kids. He takes care of the Kendo club like his second family to the point that we call this single man Otou-San behind his back. That title fits him so well that I wasn't even surprised when he had taken to unofficially adopting me. As soon as he found out my sister and I were orphaned in middle school, he took up the role of my father figure.

"He threw my bag out the window into the mud so I beat his ass. What the fuck was I supposed to do? Keep quiet and allow others to bully me? They only learn once I beat the shit out of their ugly fucking mugs.", I turned to face this buff giant as I grumbled out an assortment of curses that just made Toru-Sensei cringe and scold me for having a dirty mouth.

For someone who could pass as a mob boss, he really hates vulgarity and unneeded violence. Toru-Sensei worriedly glanced out the window to see that my bag is in fact marinating in the mud below and gasped in horror. He seemed conflicted about scolding me now. On one hand, he wanted to scold me for getting violent towards a fellow student but he also had the fatherly instincts to praise me for standing up for myself. In the end, he gave into his law-abiding morals and took my Kendo sword.

From where I stood, I could see the anguish in his eyes when he asked me to hand it over. I made it easy for him and passed it over without a fight. He wasn't done though and I stayed in my spot until he dismissed me. He's taking his sweet time though and I need to get my bag before someone steals it. This is already hard enough that he has to scold one of his kids so showed my favoritism for him by waiting for him to finish dealing me my punishment. From the furrow in his brow, he's debating on giving me an actual punishment. For me, taking my sword is punishment enough. Not having your sword meant that you had to sit out of practice until you are allowed to have it back. Sadly that isn't the punishment for wrongly using the equipment especially since I'm not a member of the club technically.

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