Chapter 1: Let The Games Begin

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Chapter 1: Let The Games Begin



"JESSE! OMG I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN A WEEK! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" my loud as hell best friend hollered while running towards me.

"Sorry, I had the flu so I stayed with my brother, Bryan. Plus, I haven't paid my phone bill so they cut it off," I grumbled, "My mom hadn't sent the money she owed me yet, so I've been behind on my bills."

"Oh wow, have I told you I don't like your mom?" I laughed at her comment.

"Yes, you tell me everyday, and everyday I tell you that she's still my mom and I can't undo coming out of her-"

"And I stop you every time because I don't need to know the details," she made a gagging sound while point her index finger to her open mouth.

We talked about whatever came to mind as we approached the house were our sorority was staying in. We needed to stay in one if we wanted to attend Cornell University and not pay for a dorm.

I had met Kelly when I was 11. At that time, I lived with my mom in Dallas, Texas and we had just come from Minnesota.

I didn't have any friends the first week there, mostly because: a) I was the weird nerdy loner that sat at the back of the class b) I left class five minutes earlier than everyone because I was a nerd and finished early and c) I ate in the library to avoid people at lunch.

However, the second week my math teacher had to be a bitch and said I couldn't leave early because she had to talk to me about something I don't remember.

When the girl rang, a short Latina girl with brunette hair and glasses sat where I usually sat.

Anyway, long story short, when I got my backpack from my chair, she introduced herself and so did I. She did the same thing I did (leaving early) except in science so I tutored her.

After that, we would hang out during the time we had when we left early and BAM we became best friends.

We stuck together since that day, and made a pact that we would go to the same university and room together.

And we did just that.

I still can't believe how much we changed since we were little girls. Before, we were the nerdy, shy, loner girls in school. Now, we were smart, sexy, and popular as hell. Except one thing hasn't changed: we were still single.

Before, we were single because boys didn't like us. But now it's because we like to fuck, not cuddle.

Kelly opened the door to our sorority house and we waltz in, literally. We put out hands together and waltz inside until we got to our perspective bedrooms across from each other.

We separated to change clothes and get ready for class. Us and the other sorority girls had the same schedule (thank you very much for that Kelly's dad) so we left together and came back together. Unless one of us got lucky after class, all six of us rode in the same car to save gas.

I changed into a short-but-not-slutty blue mini skirt, a white blouse with a blue tank top underneath, a jean vest and black knee-high high-heeled fury boots. Damn, so much alliteration.

Grabbing my backpack and keys, I made my way to the kitchen to have some breakfast.

Lauren and Amy were in there already talking over a cup of coffee when I walked in. They stopped talking when their eyes met mine and they smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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