Part 1(Prologue)

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The bell rings through the hall. I shift my eyes away from the window to the small desk and pack my bag. My classmates stand up and run outside while I silently walk out of the classroom. “Hey lifeless” a girl pushes against my shoulder and another sticks her tongue out to me. Lifeless, that is the name they gave me because I never speak, smile or get angry. Speaking of smiling, I can't remember the last time I've smiled when the world was blue.

My real name is Charlie, Charlie Smith. I’m 17 years old and go to a high school in a small town, I’m in my senior year. I said my world was blue and I’m not lying. When I look around everything is in a blue tint, it makes me feel sad and gloomy, like I can't be happy in that world. There’s also a red world, where everything has a red tint. I can be happy there and I can smile and dance and sing, but there’s one special thing about the red world. Brandon, a boy who only I can see. I’ve known him for almost 12 years and even if people think I don’t have any emotions, I do. But I only show them when I’m with Jungkook. I trust him, a lot.

“Ew Lifeless looks at me!” yells a girl when I walk through the halls at school to go to my locker. “Quickly turn away! Maybe you’ll get infected by her and can’t show your emotions anymore!” whisper-shouts another girl, hard enough for me to hear it when I walk past them. I roll my eyes, those two girls are always together and we were in the same class in elementary and middle school. They’ve always been like this to me even when we were little, and it will never change.

I walk out of school and grab my bike, after 15 minutes of cycling, I come back home. “I’m home.” I call out in the hallway and hear my mom coming from the living room. “Where… have you been?” she asks and I look at her. My mom’s eyes are a bit red and she slurs with her words. “At school” I mumble back and I want to walk past her. “School?” she asks and grabs my wrist tightly “Yes”.

My mom has drinking problems, even sometimes using drugs. My dad too while going out with women, except my mom. She knows this about him but doesn’t care anymore because it happened multiple times before. I think she's just lazy or scared to say anything. “Let me go” I say as I try to pull my wrist out of her hand. “Don’t you dare speak to me like that!” my mom yells in my ear and smacks my head with her free hand "Have some respect for your mother!". When I escape from her tight grip, I run as fast as I can upstairs to my room and open the door.

While I’m opening the door the world turns red. I smile and walk inside “Brandon?” when I close the door I can see him sitting at my desk. “Hey” he says and he smiles brightly “How was school?” I roll my eyes and let my backpack fall off my shoulders “You know exactly how it went”. Jungkook stands up and walks over to me “It’s ok, just a few months and it will be over”. I look in his brown eyes who are sparkling as always. I wish my eyes could do that too…

Brandon grabs me by my shoulders “I have an idea!” I frown at him, he giggles. “We should go to the fields again like when we were younger!” when I hear him saying that I instantly remember how we ran across the fields yelling and laughing at the age of 7. “Yes, let’s go!” I say and Brandon takes my hand in his like he always does. It gives me a very weird but happy feeling every time he does that. Downstairs I want to take my jacket from the hanger but Brandon runs past and goes outside, dragging me with him. “Come on” he giggles when he gets my bike and I jump on the back.

After a while, we arrive at the fields. It still looks the same as it looked about 10 years ago. I smile and run through the high grass, Brandon follows me and I hear him laughing behind me. “I’m going to catch you!” he yells at me and I turn around, my long brown hair covers my eyes but I can see a hint of him getting closer and closer to me. As fast as I can I try to run away from him but his arm hooks around my waist, tugging me backwards. While Brandon is doing that I lose my balance, close my eyes and fall backwards on top of him.
I feel an arm around my shoulder and open my eyes again. The grass is waving in the wind and I can hear Brandon's laugh clearly. I turn my head around to look at him. His eyes are closed, with little wrinkles around it, while his mouth is wide open. His catchy laugh makes me laugh too. Brandon is the only one who can make me laugh, that’s one of the reasons why he’s so special to me.

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