Chapter 1 - A is for...

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Authors Note

I have re-read this story after writing it about 3 years ago. The grammar is horrific and so is the content so I'm just going to go threw and edit it a bit but the main story line will stay intact. 

Thank you so much for the support, I'm going to get back into this story and get started on that sequel I mentioned a long time ago. A lot of new ideas and concepts coming this stories way. 

xx Much love, idiots xx


Alex, as I preferred to be called but my christened name is Alexandra A Sampson. No matter how hard I pestered my parents, I never could figure out what the A stood for. It's something I would bring up occasionally and I would be shut down just as soon as I mentioned it. I never understood why, but I guess I'm going to have to just accept it. 

Being a teenager, I'm pretty normal. My life is just the average Joe life, I go to school where I study things that aren't actually going to be helpful in the future, I work in a coffee shop not to far from my school, but it is only a weekend job because my parents don't like it affecting my school work and I also hang about with my friends. 

I am only 15 so I still have a long life ahead of me to fill it with some more interesting stories to tell the grandkids but for now it's just plain sailing for good old Ally A. 


It was my alarm clock that woke me up like it usually does every morning. I'm not the type of person who puts in the effort to shower and dress pretty every morning for school. That's more for the people who give a damn, I'd rather the extra 30 minuets in bed. I like the whole effortless, bed head kinda look. 

I checked my board to see my timetable for the day, it's all pretty similar since I only do 4 classes; Technical Wood Work, Art, French and ICT. Being in the senior end of the school means I no longer participant in full days, I'm just a part time student hoping to get enough grades to get me to college or university. 

"Alexandra, your going to be late!" My mum called upstairs to me as she just heard me roll out of bed. I checked the clock, 30 minuets till my first class starts, I can do this. 

After doing my business in the bathroom, I checked up what I had to work with today. My long black hair wasn't to bad after sleeping with it still wet, I brushed threw the knots and it looked pretty straight. This month it was green tips at the bottom of my black hair, this colour complemented my eyes really well. I rimmed my eyes with some eyeliner and headed back to my room. I hit shuffle on my morning playlist. 

Mum does all the washing and ironing so she leaves my uniform out for me every night. Today she had left out my white school shirt that I tucked in a black skater skirt and matched the outfit with my knee high sock with green bows on the side. Right now green has been my favourite colour so I match it with everything I can. 

I coated myself in a layer of perfume before heading downstairs, ahead of my schedule. The post man just popped the letters through the mailbox as I got to the bottom so I collected them and headed into the kitchen. 

I got a letter for once, I never get letters. This one was hand written which is exciting. I left the rest of the mail that belonged to my parents and sat down at the table where mum had left some toast out for me. 

'I'll be outside in 5 x' 

Elle had left that text a couple of minuets ago so I grabbed my toast to go. I put my letter in my bag so I could read it later. I grabbed my blazer and headed off to meet my friend. 

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