Chapter 1

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Marc quietly walked to school, the only sound reaching his ears being his feet lightly tapping the pavement with each step. He arrived just in time and heard the bell echo loudly through the area. Students immediately began heading to their respective classes. The writer made his way to his own class as well and took a seat in his usual spot.

Marc spent the rest of the day working on his schoolwork like he normally does. Throughout his last class, he glanced at the clock from time to time, his excitement growing more as the school day neared its end. Finally, the last bell rang and Marc quickly packed his belongings away before leaving the room and heading to another part of the school.

The writer wandered along the familiar route while other students were leaving for the day. He smiled as his favorite room came into view and headed over to the open doorway. He walked into the art room and glanced around. He moved past Alix who stopped in the middle of spray painting to nod at him before resuming her work.

Marc smiled as he walked past where Rose was perched on a stool with her headphones blaring guitar riffs and loud drums. He waved at the small girl as she happened to look up at him. She smiled widely and waved back before looking down at the notepad in her hand and scribbling something.

Marc then turned his attention onto the corner of the room where Nathaniel sat, just drawing in his sketchbook. The writer's smile widened as he approached the table and took a seat next to the focused artist. Marc swore his heart skipped a beat as Nathaniel looked up and flashed him a bright smile.

"Hey, Marc," The redhead greeted him, sharp sea-foam eyes shimmering brightly.

The writer felt his cheeks heat up and slightly and hoped that it wasn't visible on his face.

"Hi, Nathaniel."

Marc sat down and pulled his journal from his bag before opening to the last page he was working on. The raven-haired boy started to describe all of the ideas he had for the plot of the next volume of their comic. Nathaniel listened happily and added his own inputs from time to time and they agreed on a rough draft.

After that, the pair fell into a comfortable silence as they worked. After a few moments of them quietly scribbling on paper, Nathaniel abruptly looked up, his eyes bright with excitement.

"Oh, I just remembered something. There's a new student in my class and she's amazing! She's related to a really famous artist that lived here about 200 years ago."

Marc looked at the excitement in Nathaniel's eyes and couldn't help but give in to the emotion's infectious nature. But something seemed odd about the way that Nathaniel was describing the new student. Marc tried to figure out what exactly was making him feel weird but didn't have any luck in pinpointing it.

"That's cool," Marc simply responded with a small smile.

Nathaniel continued to talk, and Marc listened attentively. He always enjoyed watching Nathaniel talk about something that interests him because of the way that the artist's eyes light up and he smiles while explaining whatever he's talking about. Oh, Marc loves that wonderful smile. It could light up all of Paris with its beauty. He considers every moment where he gets to see that smile a pleasing one.

The next hour progressed quickly and they established a stopping point in their work before saying goodbye to each other and heading to their respective homes. Marc smiled during his stroll back to his house. He entered the quiet home and made his way to his room. He entered and sighed happily. He always felt happy after getting to spend time with Nathaniel.

Marc bit his lip anxiously as he thought over his feelings for his partner. Lately, his mind has been completely wrapped around the artist and everything that he does. It's driving him crazy! He suddenly remembered what Marinette had told him the previous day. He was talking to her about his crush on Nathaniel and Marinette suggested writing a letter to admit how he feels to Nathaniel.

It seems like a good idea. Writing was his specialty after all. Marc made up his mind and plopped down onto the chair in front of his desk and opened a folder sitting on a corner to pull a blank piece of paper out. He set in down on the smooth surface in front of him and picked out a pen before starting to write.


The past few weeks working with you have been amazing. You're the best partner anyone could ask for. You're smart, kind, creative, and incredibly talented. Since we've agreed to work together, I've always considered you a great friend, but lately, I've been feeling different. I know that our first encounter wasn't that great, but I keep thinking back to small things that have happened since then like when we sat on the stairs at school and you listened to me read like it was the most amazing thing in the world. I also can't stop remembering the day that we were having the picnic on Hero's Day and you rested your hands on my shoulders. When you did that, I couldn't help but feel warm and happy. Actually, lately, everything you do has that effect on me. I just wanted you to know that I really like you.

Marc smiled as he wrote the last part and carefully folded the letter before sliding it into an envelope that he had ready. He quickly sealed it and took a deep breath before attempting to reassure himself. He could do this. He had to. He placed the sealed letter on his desk and tried not to worry too much about tomorrow, but his mind buzzed with everything that could happen.

Hopefully, Nathaniel would return his feelings. The writer isn't sure what he would do if the artist didn't feel the same. Marc sighed and just got ready for bed, his stomach feeling a little tight as he started to worry more. He slid under the covers and made himself comfortable before falling asleep.

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