Fallin light

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"You really don't want to leave his side, huh?" Hoseok muses, hands in his pocket as he stares down at his sister who sits next to the bed Jimin lays on.

He had just entered the medical room to check up for any improvements. But seems like aside Jimin, Y/n also seems to become a part of the room these days.

Y/n does not avert her gaze from her mate, fatigue filled sigh leaving her lips. "Feel like he will disappear too if I look away.."

Hoseok's eyes soften at her petite figure, wanting to do everything that will comfort and console his baby sister. He walks towards the long sofa she currently sits on and seats himself next to her.

"He won't go anywhere." He turns to her, noticing how distant her eyes were.

Y/n takes in his words silently and he could literally feel the pressure she's putting on herself to believe his words.

He remembers the time he found out about them, back in their house and how he had lost his temper and went out on his way to beat the crap out of Jimin. That time, Y/n had said with strong believe in herself that she wouldn't let Jimin get an inch closer to her, to affect her. But now that he sits down and thinks about it, he can clearly see how time has changed.

It's been months since their arrival from the training academy and though the two stubborn mates continued their bickers and insults in the beginning, he doesn't remember them getting closer to each other. To the point where feelings are involved.

"When did you get so close?" He whispers, curious to know the answer.

"I don't know." Y/n links her pinky with Jimin's and finally turn to look at Hoseok. "Is that a good thing?"

Her questions leaves him confused. "Why do you ask that?"

She passes him a small smile. "You weren't quite happy when you found out."

He stares at her for some seconds before shrugging. "No one was."

"What about now?"

What about now...

After silently witnessing what has been going on between them, he speaks out his words. "I'm accepting."

His gaze meets his and a small smile parts his lips, a light of tease shining in his eyes. "Slowly."

Y/n smiles back and leans on to her brother's side for warmth. She rests her head on his shoulder and he snuggles on to her, pressing a light kiss to her crown before wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

They take in each other's warmth and Y/n finds peace in the protected arms of her brother.

"How did he know?" Y/n voices out suddenly.

Hoseok hums next to her head. Y/n pulls away enough to see his face and mumbles. "Jin Oppa."

Hoseok nods when he understands what she means. "Jin Hyung can sense souls. Every kind, bad or good. He can sense them looming around."

The female's lips part in awe. "That's cool."

Hoseok snickers. "He was scared shitless at first. We had many of those souls floating around the training academy and they would purposely scare him. Apparently, these things despite being seen. But he got used to it in the end."

She laughs lightly at that. Knowing Jin, he was quite a scaredy-cat at times. Once, he got distracted by chopping some onions and left the cooker on a high fire. The cooker bust and flew up to the air before hitting the floor and his thrilling scream was higher than of the cooker. Jungkook also has the tendency to go stand behind him and suddenly let out the weirdest voices out of nowhere. After that, the horror on the adult's face is definitely something to look at.

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