Tell me you Love me

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You never thought that you could love. It wasn't something you were used to. As a child, all you felt was abandonment. Your grotesque looking right arm made your parents despise you, as if you were a demon born from humans. You knew that wasn't true. But nevertheless, you were abandoned, alone, living off the streets of London with no one but yourself.

It wasn't your fault you were born this way. You didn't know what it was at the time. But you never cared. You despised everything in life, and made a deal with yourself never to trust anyone. It was just you and the nasty, cold world that you hated. Depression soon devoured you, and you come across periods in your life where you just broke down for no reason. Life was harsh, cruel, and tormenting.

That was until it happened.

"Who are you?!" a 11-year old you asked. A mechanical looking creature towered over you. A creepy looking face sealed onto its front side with a black pentacle right on the forehead.

"My, my is that what I think it is?" the creature responded. It glared at your right arm, which was red, rough and deformed.

"What do you want!?" You began to back up slowly until you hit a wall. Two walls were on the side, leaving no place for you to run.

Damn it! Dead end!

"Heh heh heh... now that's what I'm talking about. Just hand over the innocence and it'll all be over soon." Your breathing increased rapidly; your heart beating out of your chest.

What the hell is that thing???!!!

"I don't know what you're talking about at all! I don't have anything!" you yelled, huddling up in the corner. The night sky casted a shadow over you of the creature. It was intimidating - and all you could think about was how you were going to die.

"Well then, I guess we're doing this the hard way, huh?" The creature pointed a gun-like weapon at you attached to his body.


What would I have that you'd want?

The weapon began to fire up as you sat, head in knees between the walls, crying your eyes out. There was no way that you could survive this. This was the end for you, and there is no way that you'd escape it. You can't escape death.

Suddenly, your right arm started to feel tingly. You looked at it, eyes full of tears, to see a cross shining green on the back of your hand. "What's going on?"

You screamed as your right arm grew into a large, silver claw, 10 times its original size. It began to control itself, walking up to the creature dragging you behind it, pulling you roughly along the ground.

"STOP, STOP, STOP! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" you yelled, in shock from the occurrence. Your claw-like right hand engulfed the creature and vigorously destroyed it, causing a burst of flames where it had just been. However, before the creature could die, it slashed at your face at the last-second, causing you to scream in pain.

The creature disappeared, leaving you all alone in the dark night. The rain began to pour lightly. You sat in shock, filled with trauma and fear, unaware of what to do now. You touched your hand to you right eye, and saw blood on your palm. You were blind in that eye, unable to see anything but blackness. Your heart beat slowed down as you felt a rush of fatigue fall upon you. The last thing you saw was a figure of a tall person with black hair tied in a ponytail come rushing to you with a sword in one hand. Then, you blacked out.

~time skip~

"Hey, is she awake?"

You hear the voice of a young female enter your ears. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, a bright light entering them.

Tell me you Love me [Allen Walker x Reader oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now