Chapter 1

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It was a thursday morning around ten o clock, a certain young troll named Kankri Vantas was eyeing a poster down in the front lobby of the school. The words that were written on it was "Promstuck 2014, bring a date or bring your friends! Its gonna be a killer party! honk :o)". The poster looked like it was sprinkled with glitter and what looked like it had really shitty doodles all over it. He wonder if this was made by a kindergartener, or someone with really bad drawing skills. But just the words "Prom" is what made your heart skipped a beat. He wonder if Latula would want to go with him this time. This may be the perfect opportunity  to finally see if she'll finally notice him this time. Kankri sighed as he turned his eyes away from the poster and began walking down the hallway to his locker. After opening it and gathering all his books, he began to close the door only to be greeted by a certain feline friend of his. It was none other then Meulin Leijon. She had a locker next to him for a while and always did exchange good conversations with her. Sometimes it was small talk, but knowing Kankri Vantas it wasnt small at all. But Meulin was always happy to just listen to Kankri speak.

 Meulin finally opened her mouth and said "Hello Kankritty! How are you doing today?". She gave him a big wide kitty smile that would warm any persons heart, but mostly just Kankri Vanta's.

 "Ah. Salutations Meulin. I see you look as bright and cheerful this morning, or so you are like any other mornings. Might i ask as to how you are feeling as you asked me of coarse. No minor injuries or concussions i need to be concerned about?" It was obvious the young Vantas never knew went to shorten his sentences, but it was natural to him and meulin didnt seem to mind it.

"Oh relax Kankritty, i'm just as pawsome as any other troll in this whole school" she said with a giggle. But their converstation was cut short as the school bell began to ring.

 "Well i suppose that now that the bell has finally rung its coarse, i insist that you head on over to class now Meulin, meanwhile i must perform my certain duties" Kankri said as put on a sash that reads "Hall Monitor" and grabbed his whistle. But before he could do anything, he spotted a certain Ampora who dropped a candy wrapper down the hallway. This of coarse triggered the young Vantas. "CRONUS AMPORA! I INSIST THAT YOU STOP RIGHT THERE THIS INSTANT. DROPPING A CANDY WRAPPER ON THE FLOOR IS AGAINST THE RULES OF THE SCHOOL AND WE MUST ALL KEEP THESE HALLS CLEAN. HEY! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I-" and after that his words began to become rantings as he was going after Cronus and lecturing him about proper manners of keeping the school clean.

 Meulin couldnt help but giggle as she walked off to class.

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