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When you die you'll see a bright white light, that is what we've all been told. The truth is, all of it is a big pile of crap. Bright white light kiss my ass. Now, I admire those people who tell themselves that lie every single day, and they know it's a lie; they just keep on telling themselves it isn't to keep up the hope that when they die an angel will arise and bring them to paradise. I can tell you one thing, death is going to be bloody disappointing for them. I don't even get how people expect the capability to see after death, when you die your body shuts down; your heart, your brain it all shuts down. Why would you keep the gift of sight when everything else is taken from you? And for those in doubt of my analysis, I have quite the reliable source; me. I died. it's not that spectacular to be honest, it's just a big black hole you get sucked into to spend eternity in, alone with your thoughts and sins. Fortunately for me, eternity did not last that long. At first I was uncertain of what had happened when I opened my eyes several hours after my death had been confirmed. There were so many thoughts rushing trough my head, both thoughts that I had been carrying with me for as long as I can remember, and thoughts I didn't even know existed. I Felt a lack of control both physically and mentally, however I also felt stronger. What or who was responsible for my ressurection, I haven't figured out till this very day. All I know is that because of what happened I was capable of creating the most beautiful creatures of all. The supernatural.

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