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(the picture above is what Lorenzo looks like)

"Damn Carlisle. Damn his coven. Why the Fuck did they have to move to a small place like Forks? Come to my home in Forks, he said. Please keep an open mind, he said. son of a bitch!" Lorenzo ranted to himself with annoyance as he got off the phone with his old friend Carlisle Cullen. 

Lorenzo had made sure to feed before he left his place in Brazil, so he wouldn't have to hunt for at least a few days. Hopefully whatever the Cullen's problem is, it can be resolved in that amount of time. So now Lorenzo was in the Port Angelus airport with sunglasses on to hide his bright red eyes as he pocketed his cellphone. Unlike the rest of the cullens, Lorenzo fed on humans and not their vegetarian diet. so his eyes were a bright crimson red and not the golden color the rest of them had, so he always wore sunglasses around humans because he absolutely refused to wear those horrid contact lenses. 

Lorenzo quickly made his way out of the airport and away from all the stares he attracted. Lorenzo liked to think he had an exceptional amount of control for his kind, but being around all those smells and beating hearts was going to drive his senses crazy and test his patience. Lorenzo had a sharper sensitivity to his senses then normal for his kind, so he tried not to be around a large amount of humans for too long. He had recently fed, but he still would rather not push it even with the confidence he had with his control. 

Lorenzo walked as fast as "humanly" possible until he got to the treeline, and then started running when he was sure he was out of sight of the humans. if he calculated correctly, at the speed he was going, he could reach the border of Forks in an hour or two. maybe less. 

Lorenzo couldn't help think about what Carlisle could possibly need his help for. whatever it is must be serious, because Carlisle had never asked anything of Lorenzo since he joined the coven. The moment Carlisle had called asking for Lorenzo's help, he dropped everything and left Brazil to go to their new home in Forks. 


Lorenzo took a deep breath as he came to a stop and stood in the forest of Forks. Many scents hit him, but the smell of blood was the most noticeable even at this distance from the town as his blood red eyes snapped open. Most vampires that were on a proper diet didn't have good self control when it came to controlling their thirst, but that usually wasn't too much of an issue for Lorenzo. At least it hasn't been since his first 4 months of being a newborn. Lorenzo tried not to hunt in cullen territory no matter where they were in the world, he would never want to cause them trouble by feeding on their land. 

It had roughly been 10 or 20 years since lorenzo had last seen the Cullens and he heard there were 2 new additions to the clan, not Including Jasper since he last visited. Lorenzo had also not had the chance to see the new home settlement in Forks since they moved there 2 years ago. So far, besides the amazing forest, Lorenzo was no very fond of the small boring town of Forks. it was too small and quiet for his liking and the forest was the only redeeming quality. Lorenzo usually didn't visit often despite technically being part of the coven, since Lorenzo didn't like being tied down and he liked to travel a lot. Edward has a habit of calling him paranoid, but Lorenzo didn't like to stay in one place too long and he liked to always stay moving. it was nearly impossible to track him once he's disappeared.

Lorenzo was more than a little surprised when he received the urgent call from Carlisle asking for his help after so many years. He had instantly dropped everything, but he was soon regretting it when Lorenzo found the putrid stench of dog hitting him full force in the particular area of forest which made him flinch and cringe back in disgust, the smell burning his nose horribly which would've made him very sick if he had still been human. The stench burned his nose so much that he was forced to quicken his pace while holding his nose to attempt blocking the smell as he started running faster than he thought he was capable of. However, the action did little to help.

Lorenzo had his fair share of run ins with wolf shifters in his immortal lifetime and if there was a pack in Forks, things would get more complicated for him. He couldn't see himself ever visiting again while the Cullens remained in Forks. Lorenzo had enough problems  and enough things that wanted him dead without adding fucking wolves. 

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