Tundra's Turn

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Outside on the beach of Oma Island, a mass of Grambos set up the devices they had created, with the Scientist Leader Grambo taking charge and telling the other what to do. The final pieces of the machine they had created had been put in place, and it was finally time for the final step of their plan. They activated their machine, causing a mass of Wakfu to run through the air, creating a giant ring that resembled, and worked exactly like Yugo's Portals. Once the large portal was completed. Grougaloragran landed infront of the Grambos with Yugo and his friends on his back. But it was already too late, because Nox's massive clockmech walked out of the portal and was now standing infront of the massive black dragon. There was a moment of silence between both teams with the only sounds being made were clicks from Nox's massive clock. Nox then appeared infront of the group and began speaking.

Nox: "Grougaloragran, I am so excited to see you again, I am so sorry for the delay. Your Vail of invisibility to protect the island wasn't bad, but without this band of pathetic creatures I would never have found you."


Y/n roared as he gripped his Blay Rouzer ready to attack with the rest of his friends. They all then jumped off of the Black Dragon's head towards Nox with their weapons ready to strike... but suddenly they were suspended in mid air by Grougaloragran's Magic.

Grougaloragran: "You warm Grougaloragran's old heart... but know that this battle isn't yours to fight. This battle started with Grougaloragran, and now it will end with him See you soon little brothers."

Then in a flash of light, our heroes and the mass of sand, water and dirt under them had disappeared suddenly, Teleported away with more draconic magic, only leaveing Nox, Himself and the insignificant Grambos.

Nox: "See you soon? Hehehe, I think they'll be a little disappointed Dragon."

Nox said as he summoned his clock hand sword.

Nox: "You would have been better bidding them goodbye."


In a large completely frozen tundra, the large mass of land that had been teleported landed in the frozen wasteland, leaving them stranded in the glacial freeze. All of our heroes, unconscious from the sudden change in location and burst of magic.

 All of our heroes, unconscious from the sudden change in location and burst of magic

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《Wakfu King of Cards》
Episode: 10
The Brotherhood of Tofu



In the frozen tundra on the teleported island, our heroes sat inside of Ruel's Haven Bag, which happened to be way bigger on the inside. In said bag, Y/n glared at the old Enutrof, holding him up by his collar with his friend trying to hold back his other fist the best they could.

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