First Sight

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Monday September 10 2019
"Avery come here" called my Mom. As I stumbled downstairs around 8am "Yes mama"
"Eva is here to pick you up get dressed fast" as my mom said I rushed upstairs and heard my mom yelling "Don't forget to clean your room!"
I finally got ready and wore my favourite purple hoodie and jeans and I did a ponytail for my first day of grade 11. Me and Eva always walked to school together, as we reached to school, I saw a a boy that I never saw before. Probably one of the new kid but he looks
kind-of cute. "Avery we are in first class together" said Francesca my bff. I got so exited I hit Eva's coffee she was holding and it spilled on the new guy. "S-sorry it was a m-mistake" I said "Stupid" the new guy yelled. I was so embarrassed and suddenly Lauren the mean girl strutted up to us and draped her arm across the boys shoulder. And bit her lip and batted her fake eyes lashes and said "don't pay attention to the klutz look at what your missing and sauntered away." I felt the pain as she went closer to the new boy face but he said "sorry I have to get going" He walked inside as Eva left to class, me and Francesca walked to our class.

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