The Fall of Civilization

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Zach Ponzio

Creative writing period 8

Rebirth 1:


    This story and its characters are not meant to be any other characters from any other series. Any characters that match others are purely coincidental and not taken from other stories. So please sit back relax and enjoy the read. Also please feel free to comment your thoughts and feelings on the story and feel free to give feedback.


Rebirth 1: The fall of civilization.

    I have witnessed our sheer might in battle. We are the legends you speak of at night. The men who leave you speechless and scared for a week straight. You might still feel this way when you hear the folklore of the Sanguis Vita Est. Stories of whole villages razed to the ground and the only known trace of someone being there is the sight of the blood and reeking bodies. I’ll tell you something to be more scared about. If you can see us be scared, quiver in fear. But when you can’t see us, you're already dead.


    The dimly lit cell bore no noise but that of a small mouse scurrying across the cobble floor. I remained shackled to the wall, the crude iron gauntlets slitting their way into my wrists. The silence could drive a man crazy they say, but the silence to me meant more time to plan. Swinging lightly in the cell I delved into thought as hours began passing by. The guards patrol time has yet to change, that will be only one of the many mistakes these fools make. The passing patrols had been chattering about a new cell they installed in the dungeon. One of the buffoons jested that I was to be held there and was to be moved in a day. If I were to be moved I know that for sure the king wouldn’t want to miss it. He would be here to supervise my transport though, how smart of him to do so I must say.

    Hearing the steps of guards and the usual banter I look up at the door. “My favorite gaurd, how are you on this beautiful day today?”

“Shut up and don’t try any funny business, the king will be here momentarily to watch over your transport to our new cell. Trust me you're gonna love it, there is no way to break in our out of the cell unless you have both master keys. Not to give anything away of course but even if you could get out of the new shackles we have, the door only open from one side and you can’t insert the key. Not to even mention that our mages are brewing up a nice spell that will sap away your power.” The guard teased.

“You are an idiot, why would you ever think telling me this is in any way a good idea. You never give away a plan before you execute it! Idiot.” I scolded.

“If you think you’re so smart lets see you get out of those shackles…” Waiting in front of the cell he held a stern gaze on me. “I guess you can’t. Well see you later scum, I guess you really were just a waste of a Legatus.”

‘Oh I swear I will watch him burn, I’ll watch them all burn. When my army arrives knocking at the castle doors, they won’t even know what hit them. I’ve seen it in my head, I’ve thought about it all the time and there is just no way they will be able to even understand what has happened.’

    The sway of empty shackles across the cell rattled against the limestone walls. Light grew as a torchlight approached the cell. Guards flanked a man in silver chainmail with a white robe gilded in gold over it. The guards swung open the cell door as it glided across the cobblestone floors. They stood on either side of the door as the king entered. Basking in the torchlight the king looked at me with cold steely eyes as he measured me up and down by the looks of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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