so groupchat

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Kaminari paced back and forth in his boyfriend's room. It was clear that he was nervous about anyone that saw him. The thing with Kaminari is that he didn't let himself be nervous. He did for a minute, but when the emotions became overwhelming or inappropriate for the situation, he made them stop. It's simple when you think about it.

Kaminari uses to want to be a therapist. To become a therapist, you need to work really hard. When Kaminari found this out, he studied the brain and how it works for an hour every day for 3 years. In that time, he learned that the right amount of voltage to the brain can fuck it up in just the right ways. There are side affects obviously, but he really doesn't care enough.

After another 10 minutes of pacing, Sero enters the room. He spends a second staring at Kaminari. Probably because the blonde didn't warn him he was coming over. Although he quickly gets over it and walks over to Kaminari for a kiss. Instead, he gets a hand grabbing his wrist and yeeting him onto the bed. Sero looks up at the blonde and raises an eyebrow.

"Okay so just listen for a second. If you talk I don't think I'll be able to finish, alright?" Kaminari requests. Sero nods while zipping his lips and putting the key away. It's stupid, but it causes the blonde to chuckle anyway.

"I love you. Spiderbabe I love you, but I also have a slight, little, kinda crush. I'm really sorry, but I'm also not. Dude, I'm pretty sure you like him too. It would make sense! You love cat memes! And you talk about him a lot! Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I like Shinsou. That cool?" Kaminari finishes with a nervous laugh. He looks over at Sero who blinks once, twice, three times. Then, he nods.

"Yeah, I like him." He says and gets tackled.

Shinsou joined 1A a month ago. It was a surprise to everyone, but some were obviously more excited than others. Kaminari leeched onto him almost immediately, and he forced Sero to join him. Neither expected to end up liking him so much nor did they expect to want to date him. It seems they need to raise their expectations.

"Good." Kaminari sighs shifting to be on Sero's lap.

"What do we do?" Sero asks. A grin almost wide enough to challenge Kirishima spreads on the blondes face. It's his 'i got an idea where I can meme' smile.

"Let's make a group chat."

"That doesn't sound like much of a plan."

"It's not, but it'll be fun."

"How will it help?"

"We'll get to know him better, he'll get to know us better."

"You'll forget he's in the group chat and he'll end up finding out that we like him."

"Not if you do first." Sero laughs and kisses Kaminari. Kaminari smiles into kiss before Sero pinched his sides. Kaminari yelped and flicked his head.

"You asspickle! Is that a yes?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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