Raindrops of Passion

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On a cool night in Magnolia, hit a strong heavy rainstorm. One that fated two souls into each others embrace under the same roof. One that would change the course of their relationship forever.

Natsu had lied awake for what had seemed to be an eternity in his mind, but in reality, it had only been 30 minutes. He had offered to walk Lucy home as soon as it began to pour. He couldn't bare the thought of her walking alone in pouring rain, even more so, he couldn't bare the thought of her getting sick once again, knowing it was his fault for not looking out for his friend. Though he was glad she didn't bother to argue with his persistence, it was a bit unsettling at the same time. Normally, she'd dance around the thought for minutes, but today she didn't even bother to deny him request. She simply nodded and walked out the guild doors with him.

He had noticed things between them changing. He constantly felt himself become more flustered around her. The thought of anything bad happening to her was more then he could handle. Everything about her brought a smile to his face. Her scent became intoxicating. All he wanted was nothing more then to be with her every second of the day. He may have been a fool about so many things, but he knew exactly what he was feeling. That overwhelming warm feeling building in his chest was nothing more simple yet complicated at the same time. Love. And he could swear in some deep part of his mind, that she felt it too.

As he lied awake he contemplated every second that led him to the moment his was in right now, 'Why didn't she say no? Does she want me here for more then to keep me from walking in the rain? Am I overthinking this? Could she possibly feel what I'm feeling? Does she somehow know what I'm feeling?' So many thoughts running through his head, yet he couldn't make out a single clear answer. Before he knew it, his mind was filled with warm inviting thoughts of the girl he wanted more then anything in the world, his Lucy.

He wanted nothing more than to walk into that bedroom, lie his body down next to hers and watch her soft gorgeous face drift into sleep. To be able to caress her warm cheek with his callous finger tips. To see her chocolate eyes meet his in unspoken silence. Before he knew it, his curiosity had gotten the best of him and it was almost as if he body was moving involuntarily off that small purple couch and towards the door, turning the small doorknob, his mind screaming at him 'What are you doing? She'll kill you! You do know that right? Do you have some sort of death wish?' He fought those thoughts and swayed the door open.

In the room adjacent to his, lied the beautiful blonde mage, who was also having difficulty battling sleep. Her heart had been racing for an hour, ever since they left the guild hall. While Natsu himself knew what he was feeling, Lucy struggled to come to terms. She started seeing him in a different light. One she'd never understood before. She thought about him constantly. She found it harder to argue with him because now, she wanted him around all the time. She was infatuated with his smile. Whenever she felt his embrace, it felt as if her soul died in his arms somehow. All those things about him that once annoyed her, were now her favorite things. 'What's wrong with me? Why do I feel this way? What is he doing to me? Am I falling in love with Natsu?' Her thoughts we're quickly interrupted by the sound of her bedroom door opening. Her body frozen, she shut her eyes quickly and tried to calm her rapidly beating heart.

Natsu tried to quietly shut the door behind him, slowly making his way towards the bed where his friend lied and stared down at the seemingly sleepy girl and slowly slid under the pink covers next to her. His eyes never once leaving her soft face. He settled into the mattress, watching her breathing as her body moved up and down. Almost as if it had a mind of its own, Natsu's hand slowly moved from his body and lightly reached out to touch her warm cheek. Lucy couldn't fight her curiosity anymore as she slowly opened her eyes meeting the gaze of her emerald eyed nakama. It felt as if time had stopped, neither of them saying one word. All you could hear was nothing but silence.

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