Info - OC character

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Name: yuiharu shubya
Gender: female
Age: 15
Birth: July 29

Hobbies: Drawing, playing musical instruments, dancing, marital art, and being a bookworm🤓

Likes: Blueberry pie and muffin, curry, being able to help people, learning new things, hanging out with her family or friends

Dislike: People being rude to her family or friends, being separated from her family, having a big massive war that is her nightmare (due to the fact she dreams of Julia memories which Yuuri doesn't get)

Character descriptions: Her hair is black like her siblings but with a blue and white strip. Her eye is heterochromia which means her right eye is black and her left eye is blue

 Her eye is heterochromia which means  her right eye is black and her left eye is blue

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(Character is not mine I did do editing with her hair)

Personality: Yuiharu is always willing to help her family and friends even if they said she doesn't have she still helps. If anyone says anything mean or rude to her family or friends then she wouldn't hesitate to hurt them unless her brother stops her. She will stop anyone that gets in Yuuri and her way.

Background: Yuiharu is the younger twin but will always watch Yuuri's back. Julia's soul will be split to with both of them which leads to Yuiharu have dreams that feel real to her.

 Julia's soul will be split to with both of them which leads to Yuiharu have dreams that feel real to her

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This is the uniform she will wear

So let's begin the story...

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