The Letters

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Louis is 15 years old and his parents think it will be a good idea for him to have a penpal.



My name is Louis Tomlinson, I was just recently expelled from school for fighting so my parents decided that I should write a penpal. I live in South Yorkshire (not going to specify anymore). I guess you could say my town is fun, I mean I am at parties every other day. I guess I should tell you about my family, I am the oldest, and only boy in the house. I have four younger sisters all of them amazing. My birth parents split up but my mom married my step dad, he's ok i guess i really dont know him he is never home. My mom basically takes care of all of us on her own. Music is probably one of my favorite things in the world. I love singing, I think im quite good. So let me ask you what is your family like, do you like to sing and what is your town like?

Write back if you want

September 12, 2006



My name is Harry Styles and im 13 years old. Your lucky you got expelled from school I am sick of all the things that happens there. I am constantly bullied because I don't like hanging around with the guys. I just prefer to hang out with girls to you know flirt, sing, joke and whatever else we do. It really sucks because when I get in fights I always get killed. Anyways I guess my town is cool, O yeah I forgot to tell  you where I am from. I am from Chesire, Its a pretty cool place. I absolutely love to sing. It is more important to me than mostly everything. It is my dream to be a singer, when I get older I am going to audition for the Xfactor. My questions to you are do you wanna be a singer when you grow up, do you get bullied when you aren't expelled and do you ever see your real dad?

Please write back

September 15, 2006



You need to man up I was bullied from time to time but that only lasted a year because bullies are only looking for attention and if you stop giving it to them they will leave you alone. I do see my dad from time to time but not as much as i wish i could. I just found out that my mom is not sending me to another school like she did before so now I am going to have to retake year 12. You are quite young I figured I would be sending something to someone my age. I think auditioning for the Xfactor would be cool maybe i'll do it when im older as well. I don't really know what else to write lmao, so yeah.


September 25, 2006



I tried what you said and it almost worked. They were messing with me and I was ignoring them and then one of them got up in my face and yelled at me. So I responded to that with a punch to the jaw. Then he returned the favor. So then a fight began and it was 5 to 1. You will never guess who one, well obviously it wasn't me. I guess you can say that I got ass raped. Sorry about the language but that was almost what it was. I came home and my mom came to the door and said "Harry what the hell happened". I just said I got in a fight. She cleaned me up and then she found the note saying I got expelled. I got grounded so know I really can't leave the leave the house which really sucks. Also you are the only person I can talk to right now so pleeease don't stop writing.

Bye for now

September 27, 2006



Well Im sorry that what I told you didn't work. That was really stupid of you, I mean you really should't punch someone when 4 of their friends are around. Anyway, my life has gotten considerably worse since my last letter. My girlfriend just recently broke up with me over text. She told me that I was a fucking dumbass and to never talk to her ever again. That really hurt bad. We had been going out for 3 years and then out of no where she breaks me. It really sucks, all I want to do is curl up in a ball and die. This letter is gonna be short because I don't really feel like writing.


September 29, 2006



I'm sorry about your girlfriend but I really have to tell you something! The guys that beat me up got put in jail for assault and battery. I get to go to court on Thursday to plead my case. I'm just gonna say they have been bullying me for about a year now and then they all ganged up on me and beat the crap out of me. Also if you would not use the f word around me I would really appreciate it. The reason why I don't like the word is because my grandfather was a drunk and he would always yell at me using that word. I was only 5 when he started and then he died 3 years later so it stopped. O and if it makes you feel better I have never had luck with the ladies. I really don't know why I mean my mom says I am the cutest thing on the planet. Wow, that sounded really lame. Lol, well whatever.


October 1, 2006



That is really ironic that you don't do well with the ladies considering that you hang out with them all the time. Well I can give you a pretty good tip, don't get to close to the person. But don't walk up to a girl and say hey baby you want to fuck because you will get slapped believe me I tried it. O shit I forgot about the use of that word sorry. I have kinda gotten over my ex, I have found music has helped me, I half wrote a song. It's called More Than This. On a different note I have some bad news. My mom thinks that writing these letters are giving me to much joy, when this was supposed to be a punishment. This means that I cannot write to you anymore.


October 13, 2006


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