The Nightmare Begins

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 Trapped. That's one way to describe what happened to me. I'm trapped in this backwords world with three witches claiming to all be my grandmothers. I'm Melanie Morfan and while I was waiting for the bus before school, three alligators submerge from a flooded ditch and dragged me here. This place is almost like the real world, but the only difference I've seen so far is that the sun never shines and what looks to be my grandma's house is now filled with potions, cauldrons, books, and cats.

Not going to lie, I did try to look into one of their spell books, but they quickly stopped me and shoved me in this room. They'll probably try to eat me. I honestly don't know why they took me and why they claim to be my grandmas or talk to me like I'm a little kid. (I'm small, not dumb!) Well, good thing I have my journal. When I come back home, I can sell this for millions!

Melanie stops writing when she hears the three ladies bickering aloud. "I thought you said that a small kid lived here." "I did! I'm sure I got the information right..." "It's fine. She might not be as young as we like, but she'll make a good meal. It's been ages since we've had any human kids." "Beggars can't be choosers. Let's start the preparation" Melanie would have to guess they didn't know that her grandma's house had pretty thin walls.

She looks at her new journal and jolts down one more sentence.

I better get out and fast!

Melanie closes the book and tucks it into her backpack. She unlocks the window, props it open, and climbs out with ease. She runs through her grandma's garden and jumps over the wired gate just as a bus pulls in.

"Girls! She's escaping!" Melanie looks over her shoulder to see one of the witches running out. She decides to take her chances and jumps in the bus as the three ran after her. "No! Come back!" One cried as the doors started to close and the bus took off. They stare as it disappears down the road and not even bother trying.

"Well, it looks like she's a dead girl for sure. Let's try another place." The eldest witch breaks the silence and the three start to pack up.


Melanie looks back at the three old witches and sees them walk off in defeat. She smiles to herself and looks over at the driver, who made her smile fade. The driver looked like she crawled out of a coffin. Rotten skin, sunken eyes, and a glassy stare. Melanie decides to take a seat in the empty bus and tries to figure out what to do next. She sees that they are heading to her school, but not stopping for any of the usual kids.

She takes out her phone and sees she doesn't have any signal. "Of course..." She sighs and looks out the window. Melanie lived on the outskirts of town, where there are farms and lake houses along the road, but she only sees wildwoods. The ride felt like it took forever and she considered jumping out the next time the bus stopped, but it never does.

Where her middle school would have stood was now a massive castle. They go through the gates and she sees other kids in robes with books. "Wow..." She awes at how gothic it all looked. Like the world had become a fantasy and she'll learn to be a wizard in her new life.

The bus stops and opens up. A dark purple-haired lady climbs in very sharp looking business attire. "Hello, Miss Morfan. I'm Mrs. Kilmore. If you would follow me to meet The Dean to get you measured and registered." She instructs.

"M-measured?" Melanie blinks and she's suddenly lifted by some force.

"No time for questions. We're already behind schedule and we have other new students too." Mrs. Kilmore says with a raised finger and the two get off the bus. Two students wait outside with them, looking pretty excited to be here, and Melanie gets settled down between them. On her right, a rather tall boy with short black hair and a bit on the chubby side. Then on her left, a girl with bright red pixie cut hair and sparkling blue eyes, she was also pretty tall compared to Melanie's four foot nothing.

The three follow Mrs. Kilmore as they introduce themselves. "Hey, I'm Samantha Anderson, but you can call me Sam. This guy over here is-" The redhead starts to introduce the big guy, but he cuts her off.

"I don't need you to introduce me, Sam. I'm Damien, Damien Prowler." The boy introduces himself with a grin.

"I'm Melanie Morfan," Melanie says, smiling at the two.

"So, I just have to ask, what levels are you two? I'm five!" Sam says proudly.

"Oh, I'm four. Just made the requirements." Damien says with a shrug and the two look over at Melanie.

"Um... level?" She asks, feeling pretty flustered.

"Wait, you don't know?" Sam asks in a hushed whisper and grabs her by the head to stare into her eyes. Melanie sees a flash of green in her eyes and Sam looks at her in fear. "Oh no, your level is zero... you shouldn't be here. Damien..."

"Don't fall behind, children." Mrs. Kilmore calls on them and they catch up with her. Melanie sees they are approaching a huge door at the end of the hall and started to feel intimidated by it.

"I hate to say this, but it doesn't look like you'll last for long," Damien whispers to her. "I hear that kids that aren't powerful enough are destroyed instantly." He explains, making her start to shake like a leaf.

"Shush! Don't say that. I got a plan. Don't worry Melanie. You can count on me." Sam whispers with an uneasy smile, but Melanie hearing her say that put her at ease. The door starts to open and the three stare in awe at the huge crystal ball before them.

Mrs. Kilmore clears her throat and the three rush in while the door closes behind them.

A/N's Note: This story is loosely based on a nightmare I had ages ago and hope you enjoy it so far! Thank you for reading and critiques are appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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