part one: bad bye

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"this is bad bye, oh bad bye"
in which yong dies in a car crash,
leaving byul devastated

"You're a manager now, I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it" Byul wrapped her arm around yong as they waited for their ride home.



"promise me you'll still be happy, with or without me okay? not that I'm leaving you or anything, I just want you to be happy"

"hey kim yongsun, why are you saying something like this so suddenly? We'll always have each other. I'm not going anywhere and so are you"

"I think maybe I had a little too much to drink just now..." yong smiled sheepishly

"But I promise you, I'll be happy nonetheless" byul enveloped yong in a hug right as their cab pulled up to the kerb.

The two sat in the backseat of the cab, on the way home after a long night of celebrating yong's recent promotion. The sound of the rain tapping against the windows soon drew both yong and byul into a light sleep. The cab drove across the highway, the sounds of the rain only getting louder and louder. The road became more slippery and difficult to drive on as the rain poured down, and byul pulled yong closer in her sleep to keep her warm in the cold night.

There was a loud bang and the sound of glass shattering. Woken up from her sleep, byul could feel the cab stop moving, but she wasn't sure of what had just happened. She looked over at yong, who seemed to still be fast asleep.

"Byul-ah, I love you"
"I love you too"

In the dim light from the streetlamp, byul saw her arm covered in a dark, sticky layer of blood. She was only able to keep her eyes open for another few seconds before everything went black again.

She woke up to the sound of machines beeping. Looking down, byul realised she was no longer in her leather jacket and jeans. She was dressed in a blue hospital gown, and a row of stitches ran up her left arm and her leg was wrapped in a heavy cast. An IV drip was connected to her other arm.

"Byul! You're finally awake" wheein leaned over the bed railing, with hyejin beside her.

"How long was I out for?"

"About five days, we thought you would never wake up"
Five days. Wait. Five days? I need to go find yong.

Byul tried to sit up but a sharp pain shot up her leg. She winced.

"What are you doing?"

"I need to go find yong, she was with me in the cab that day. Where is she now? Can I go see her?"

The colour drained from wheein and hyejin's faces. They turned away for a moment as hyejin whispered something into wheein's ear.

"Byul-ah, there's something we think you should know"

"I don't know how to tell you this byulie..."

"what? just say it"

wheein looked over at hyejin. The younger girl gave her a small nod, telling her to continue.

goodbye; moonsunWhere stories live. Discover now