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Dr Knox sent me to some support group on the hospital rooftop, he told me I needed to meet people and to get some natural light because apparently I can't just sit in my bed for two weeks
how unfortunate.
So I try to get out of bed, I have to call the nurse because I'm not one to sit up by myself I needed the help, I'm already so weak two weeks into finding out about the cancer. She helped me up and I made my way to the elevator and went up to the roof

I walked out onto the roof I was 5 minutes early but seems like everyone's arrived early probably because nobody in this place has nothing better todo than sit at a support group

I didn't know what to do so I just found a seat and awkwardly sat down, till a nice boy came and started up a conversation
"Hey I'm Liam"
"What's your name?"
"Uhm I'm, im Grace"

"That's a pretty name grace" he smiles "what's pretty little grace doing in this while walled containment unit?"

I couldn't help but laugh, generally laugh for what felt like years

"I was diagnosed with cancer two days after fainting at the airport where I was going to be setting off on my travels of the world"

I sigh what if I don't make it what if I never get to see the world, all my dreams and plans are getting washed down the drain right this very second

"Oh that sucks, how long have you been here"

"About two weeks, just I decided to go in complete lockdown since I found out, and well I'm here because my doctor insisted I need sunlight and fresh air"

Support group was boring, just a bunch of people talking about themselves like sure I listened and I talked abit to but it was just boring

After support group Liam and I stayed on the roof for what felt like hours and we told each other stories and I learnt things about him like he learnt about me

After two hours liam walked me back to my room and we said our goodbyes

Before you know it I'm back in bed staring at the ceiling

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