One - Tonight's The Night

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His eyes glance up at the sky, it would be getting dark soon. He couldn't be caught outside. Bill looks back at the tiny hunting shack, seeing his mother asleep with his younger sister. It wasn't safe for them. He knew it. Bill would disappear, claiming to be going on hunting expeditions but he wasn't. He was hiding. Hiding from them...for their safety. Bill pulls his rucksack onto his shoulder and crosses the tiny garden to his neighbor, Gustav's house.

Gustav knew why he had to leave. Gustav was helping him disappear. He promised to care for his family and Bill knew he'd keep his word. The blonde was packing the horse. Knowing he'd have to take him to the edge of the woods and then leave before nightfall.

"Gustav, it's dangerous, you know," Bill sighs. "Why not stay here and I'll take the horse?"

"So you can kill my only stead? No thanks. I'll get you to where you need to go."

Bill smiles a bit and hops into the cart hitched in back. Gustav knew the plan, if anything happens on the way, bail the cart and go home. Bill could feel the wind pick up speed, a slight chill overcoming him. He pulls his cloak over his shoulders and watches the tiny houses disappear.

"Goodbye mother. Goodbye sister. I wish I could stay," Bill frowns.

He hoped that his outward goodbyes would be sufficient in his leaving, even the letter he left behind apologizing for abandoning them but it wasn't safe. He couldn't keep them safe.

"I'll take good care of them. They shall never starve, or worry about being secure," Gustav tells the man. His back remains on the younger male but Bill knew he was sincere. "And if it becomes too much to afford both houses, I'll shall move them into my own."

"Thank you, Gustav," Bill exhales. "I wish things were different. But my father..."

"Was a monster. You are nothing like him. You're better."

Bill looks at his dear friend and lays down in the cart. He was tired, never sleeping in fear that he'd commit a vicious act in his slumber. Every night, every night was hell. Bill wanted to be better. He had to be better. He knew he was nothing like the animals that shared his very same fate. Bill was nothing like the father that cursed him to this existence in the first place. The trees were tall and blocked out most of the sky but he could see the sun setting hues began to turn purple, the sun almost setting completely.

Bill visited another apothecary and slipped a sleeping medicine into his mother and sister's food. He didn't want them to be awake when he went away. His sister. She'd be devastated and want him to stay. Bill knew he couldn't. Not in his condition. He could feel his head begin to pulsate. That familiar feeling of rage growing inside him.

"Are we close? I don't wish to have you be here when—."

"The edge is just up ahead. We'll make it, don't worry," Gustav interjects. "Just remain calm. We've got a few more minutes before nightfall."

"Minutes?! Do we even have time, Gustav? Because I'm starting to dou—."

"We're here," the blonde deadpans.

Gustav could tell his personality was shifting because he was anxious and afraid but there was nothing to be done. Just getting him to his destination safely, avoiding anyone that may question why he was traveling at that hour. Gustav was a merchant, his business only during the day, he'd have no reason to bring his wares out at nightfall. Bill was more than a ware, he was precious cargo. Bill climbs out of the cart, pulling his sack onto his back.

"Thank you," Bill nods. "I can never repay you for your kindness."

"Wanna repay me? Stay alive. Hunters are all over these woods, and they like waiting for people like you."

"I know. So thank you."

"Take care of yourself, Bill," Gustav sighs, leaving the young man in the wooded area. He was worried about him but also knew that this was for the best. Bill sits down on the ground, feeling a bit of dizziness as it came over him. The sky is getting darker and he can hear the trees blowing in the wind. His senses usually do get heightened during this time. He had to remember to hide his rucksack and mark this location.

Bill takes his dagger from his waist belt and marks the tree, tossing the bag into it with all his supplies inside. He's far away, he can keep himself hidden here. Bill can keep everyone safe. He dropped to his knees, feeling pain in his whole body. Leaning up against the tree, Bill tries to stand but his limbs won't let him. Damn he didn't have time to get his clothes off this time. Looks like he'll be barefoot yet again. Bill's hands paw at the ground, a painful groan could be heard all the way to Gustav's ears...meaning he wasn't far enough away.

"Come on girl, I need you to go a little faster," the blonde states, snapping the reigns.

The groan becomes a ghastly yell, Bill's shirt tearing at the seams and his boots breaking to free his growing feet. His arm reaches to his torso, before dropping into the dirt and the nails growing. Bill gets back to his feet falling into another tree and clawing at it. His body collapses to the ground once more before the fur spreads to his body and his snout extends to canine proportions. Getting to his feet, Bill is no longer human. He's no longer the kind boy that cared for his family but he's instead a beast. At least that's what the hunters that heard him believed. All werewolves are monsters. They murder mercilessly; they kill livestock; they destroy homes.

Bill looks around and takes off into the woods. His instincts told him to find a deer, find shelter and hide. Bill's mother was human. She didn't know her son took on more than just his father's face. He told her was going into town; that Gustav needed an extra hand during trades. Simone believed him, she warned him about werewolves. Simone gave her son his silver knife, she didn't know that he was the very creature she feared in her husband. The very same man that lied to her until he transformed in her bed and Bill had to save his mother. No. Bill was nothing like those beasts. When he first transformed, he was so frightened. Bill was but a child himself. He didn't understand what had happened but he knew he was like his father. He hid, Bill didn't want to hurt anyone. Unfortunately his kind had a reputation for hurting those that were innocent.

His stride leads him into a deep, dark section of the wood. Bill crouches before his prey tearing the animal open and devouring it's flesh. Blood gets stuck in his fur and the deer hide caught under Bill's long fingernails. He was so hungry, but his intent is interrupted by a snapping twig. Bill's head pops up and he looks in the direction of the sound. A hunter is hiding in a bush, but Bill can see his arrow gleaming in the moonlight. He stands but gets shot in the arm by the arrow. Bill growls and goes to run off when he starts feeling dizzy. Another arrow is shot, this one hitting him in the shoulder.

Bill collapses to the ground, drugged and tired. "Yes! Duke Trumper will be so pleased!"

"Shut up and get the cuffs before the animal wakes up!"

The last image Bill sees before passing out is a young hunter holding a giant pair of shackles in the infinite darkness.

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