the talk pt 1

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 hi, im trocia, another author on this account and this is my first brion fanfic on wattpad. I hope you guys like this juicy story and love my book. 

Zion dragged himself into the house's vacant living room illuminated by small rays of sunlight from their backyard. Adjusting to the headache from the sudden brightness, Zion rubbed his eyes of any drowsiness; and listened to the sound of keys jingle as he locked the door and turned off his music. The house was completely silent, the small breathes Zion made were the only sounds that occupied the room, making it extremely easy to embrace his drowsiness one more time.

Yawning while laying his food on the corner, Zion sluggishly guiding himself across the white marble of the living, and into their houses hallway with the purpose of finding at least of the members he could talk to sleeping but couldn't see anything.

Rearranging his black hoodie and pulling his headphones from outside his hoodie, Zion walked passed the members doors one by one and saw that no one was home. Disappointed, Zion ruffled his hair softly as let out another unwanted yawn.

' Where the hell did everyone go'

Huffing to himself from realizing he was alone again, Zion turned back around on his heels and walked back into the living room.

' Guess I'll go to sleep'

Zion stalked through the hallway leading to his room, and admired his work as he put sheets on top of all the windows to create the light of vivid colors like red and blue across the hallway. Zion stuffed his hands into the pocket of his black hoodie and stopped in front of his room door.

Quickly rolling his door knob back, Zion pushed his door opened, and closed the wooden door with his back to his room. Zion's eyes traced the sides of his room for his light switch and turned on the light lazily, then switched directions to his bed.


Just as the light began to engulf the darkness of his room, Zion's eyes caught onto a Brandon's red sweatshirt lying across his bed, followed by Brandons light-washed jeans, black socks, and vans on the floor. Brandon was scrolling through his phone when he saw the light change from round him and squinted softly. Letting out a small groan- Brandon let his arm fall across his face to hide from the light for a few moments and looked up to see a absent-minded Zion at the door.

Awkwardly lifting his head, Brandon quickly pulled himself away from Zion's mattress without hesitation.

Zion quickly felt his body stiffened as his mind thought of ways to leave before Brandon started to talk to him ran through his head. Zion's blood ran cold, as his nerves burned with sudden aggression and annoyance; making it almost impossible to look his best friend into the eye. Zion suppressed his flare of emotions by quickly looking away from Brandon, and watching the floor in hope of getting rid of any old feelings.

Brandon felt his heart already being tugged at as Zion switched from him over to the floor within a split second.

" Zion- I - uh wanted to talk to you-" Brandon pushed himself forward and took a step closer. Zion shifted his eyes back to Brandon with unease and stepped back nonchalantly.

" stop-.' Zion whispered. Shaking his head to himself and grinned in disbelief. " I don't want to have this conversation with you-" Zion let out uninterested with Brandon's conversion. Zion's responsibility to treat Brandon like his best friend destroyed him as he caught onto his breathtaking eyes.

" Zion-" Zion felt his eyes roll back to his sockets from beneath his hoodie, as he felt his heart race from Brandon's voice. He was trying to suppress the urge to talk" Stop trying to avoid me and blowing me off,-" Brandon let out. " Stop trying to walk away from me. If I did something just tell me" Brandon argued.

" Oh my fucking- " Zions immaturity dipped into his heart. Zion threw his body back aganist the wall in defeat, and walked away from Brandon to put his backpack to the side. Brandon's mouthed his thoughts but nothing came out. He was becoming hopeless and unwilling every time Zion tries to belittle their relationship.

" Why are you acting like I'm asking for a lot? " Brandon threw his phone onto the bed and looked up to the tall member- holding out his hands unconsciously.

Zion's body flared up with resistance.

" Oh my-" Zion shaked his head as he walked to the door again, and tried to leave.

" YOU CAN'T JUST DO THIS TO ME!" Brandon's hands shook as he stopped all his impulses to pull Zion back. " I'm the only member ...who cares about you more than this damn job but you keep leaving." Brandon let out breathlessly before Zion could leave the room. "I'm the only one .... But, your treating me like everything we never did together never happened." Brandon's voice became smaller as he let out his confession, relaxing his muscles as he sees Zion stop at the door. Zion's body boiled as he remembers all the times Brandon and Zion were 'together', just so he could secretly find another girlfriend behind his back.

" -Nothing happened" Zion hands became fractic as moved them to make his points. Zion let an annoyed sigh and turned back around from were Brandon stood, "- so please leave so I can sleep in peace-" .

"ZION I CAN HELP YOU..... whatever your going through, I can help you. -I'll listen to you, Zion let me be your bestfriend for once. " Brandon interrupted. Zion felt the familiar sting of tears as he watched Brandon try to help again- completely aware that Brandon was both the cause and the solution of his problem.

" You helped enough" Zion let out, as he went back to get his backpack; finally deciding he should just leave for the rest of the day.

" I didn't do anything wrong-and if I did can you tell me? We can talk about it" Brandon reached our.

" I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT" Brandon was taking back. The both of them got silent, neither of them wanted the conversation to happen like this, so they've always tried avoiding it. Brandon's breathing became shaky, as Zion huffed out-disappointed at himself. He doesn't want to be hurt but in exchange all he is doing is hurting someone else.

" You just keep doing this...... " The room became silent from Brandon's weak voice, Brandon felt his jaw tremble., " Can you just please talk to me...." Brandon pleaded with all sincerity and watched closely Zion reject the thought.

" NO." Zion let out plainfully, " No, Brandon just go" Brandon let out a shaky breath and looked up to the ceiling in defeat, while a tear sat on the corner of his eye.

If Brandon left one more time, neither of them would both be unsure if their friendship was fixable. Zion gulped silently as his eyes ran across the room, then back to a silent Brandon.

' Is this it' The both of them thought

" Look I know I did some things to you in the past. And I know there are people like me who are hard to like but-". Zion felt his walls fall to shammels in hearing Brandon think no one liked him, a painful sensation surged through his entire body and stopped in the center of his heart. Zion couldn't hold on.


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