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Zach stared down at the note in between his fingers. He had found it shoved in the slot of his locker.

  No way.. He thought. It couldn't be...

   Slowly he began to unfold the note that read, 'Zach' on the front in big, sloppy handwriting. When he finally got it open, his jaw dropped.

'So listen I know that I've been a real shitstick to you this week especially and I wanna make it up to you by letting you do my algebra homework at my house this afternoon
meet me here after school and I'll drive you there

"Oh man.." Zach whispered, he could feel his knees wanting to give. "After school..? Now??" He folded the note up again and stuffed it in his pocket. When he looked up, he saw the last person he wanted to see. Malachi was staring directly at him, smirking. Zach practically melted, and had to look away quickly to hide the red in his cheeks.

He couldn't help but tense up as the taller man made his way over to their apparent meeting space. "Hey." Zach flinched at the confidence in Mal's voice.

"H-Hey.. So um..." The younger boy couldn't seem to get the words out. Everything about Mal was intimidating.

   "You ready or what? I got things to do later tonight." Mal was texting on his phone, so he couldn't see Zach bite his bottom lip nervously.

   "Uh.. Yeah. We can leave now." The nervous boy said, not even thinking about texting his dad.

    "Great." Malachi grabbed the other's wrist tightly and started to drag him out of the school. Zach just complied and followed him until they got to the car. A neon green Challenger.

   Of course he drives this, I forgot he was rich. He wanted to roll his eyes, but he couldn't bring himself to risk pissing off his bully.

   When they both got in the car, Mal took no time to hurry out of the parking lot. Making sure to burn rubber in order to impress some girls. Typical.

   Zach stared at him as he cracked his window and pulled a cigarette out of his pocket.

"You smoke in here..?" The smaller boy asked timidly, causing Malachi to look at him with his head tilted as he lit the cigarette. He took a deep drag before replying.

"Yea, you smoke too?" Zach hesitated before answering with a nod. "Oh, bet then. Wanna hit?" He took the square from between his lips and held it out to the other boy, who accepted it.

   "Thanks.." When he took a drag from it, his heart jumped. The end of the cigarette was moist with Mal's DNA, and as creepy as it was, Zach couldn't get enough of it. He just wished he could taste him first hand. His eyes moved from the trees outside to the driver's lips. They looked so soft. His entire face was perfect.

   He tried to look away before Malachi caught him staring, but he was too late.

   "What's your deal?" He chuckled at the now flustered boy and took the cigarette back from him. "You smoke gas?"

   It took Zach a minute to compose himself and answer, "Um.. Yeah, I do." To which Malachi just nodded.

   "Cool, I got a blunt at home. We can spark it whenever we get in my room." Now it was Zach's turn to nod.


   The rest of the ride passed in silence, minus Malachi asking the other boy if he wanted a cigarette every now and then. When they finally got to the older boys house, they went straight to his room. Since his parents weren't home, the first thing they did was spark that blunt. And there they sat, smoking and talking. Not about anything in particular. Just small talk mostly, and Zach ate up every minute of it.

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