Forgotten Girl

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Is this how Life

Is supposed to work?

You're young until you're not,

You love until you don't,

You try until you can't,

You laugh until you cry,

You cry until you laugh,

And everyone must breathe

Until their dying breath.


Life isn't

And shouldn't be

That simple.




In every sense of the word.

Sure, she was


But her mind

W  a  n  d  e  r  e  d  .  .  .

People moved on.




But the Wind never left her.

It whispered eternal secrets

In her ear.

And the sea never left her.

It serenaded her

With the deep, mournful hymns

Of its fathomless depths.

And the Angels never left her.

They wept for her,

Tears falling to earth:

Summer raindrops,

Morning dew,

Or a broken pearl necklace.

These tears –

They fell upon

The wistful face of this




She waited patiently

For someone to find her,

Lift her face skyward,

And murmur soothing thoughts.

But no one did.

She was


She is a thunderstorm;

Brewing with dark thoughts,

Ominous obsidian clouds

Shrouding her,

Blinding her

From her true thoughts.

Thunderous tempers,

Lashing out like lightning,

Every inch of her being

Charged with white-hot electricity.

A whirlwind of sheer anger,

Filled with wild, reckless, unpredictable energy.

Enough power to shatter the sky,

As if the Heavens were to split apart above her,

Its light breaking free through the cracks left behind,

Electric blood coursing through her veins.

But once her storm of anger dies down,

It fizzles into torrential rain.

Time had stolen

What was not for it to steal,

And so the rain came down.

It was not so much

That the rain merely





But it was the sensation of being rained upon.

It drenched her fate with sorrow and despair.

But before her journey

Screeched to an abrupt halt,

Memories of her life

Came flooding back to her.

For so long,

Society had driven her life

On autopilot.

But now,

She could grab the wheel

And take control,

For you must first pull back the bowstring

To shoot the arrow into flight.

She was destined for something

Farther than her imagination

Could take her,

Greater than her dreams

Could foresee,

And far beyond the limits

Society had set for her.

Getting the wind knocked out of her

Reminded her lungs

How much they loved

The taste of air.

And now,

Her once-reckless spirit

Had been tempered

By the flame of wisdom.

She almost lost everything,

But before it all faded

To oblivion,

She recognized the importance

Of her existence.

She learned

That you need to value life,

For it is a great treasure

That must be cherished.

Life is a journey.

Where will yours take


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