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Hey guys! Thank you for reading one of my stories, it means so much to me! Ok, so I'm assuming if any of you have read my other story "Take Me Home", this one sounds very similar to that one. It is. This story is pretty much the same one as that one, except I have changed a few things with the storyline and the characters. This story is much shorter than "Take Me Home" as well, it's pretty much cut in half. The reason I wrote this one is because I'm starting to submit my stories to small publishers and agencies, and "Take Me Home" is too long to be accepted, especially for a debut author. But I loved the story so much and would love for it to be published, so I re-wrote it pretty much and have re-submitted to agents, so fingers crossed that one of them likes it!

Also, just a small disclaimer here, this is one of the first stories I ever wrote, so the writing might not be as top notch (in my opinion) as my latest novels I've written. But nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did writing it! This one as well needs some editing, I'm aware of that. But I am pretty busy at the moment and I can't find the time to edit, but I will get around to it eventually.

Anyways, that's pretty much it, I just wanted to let you guys know. So, I hope you enjoy the story if you read it! Thank you!


The pay phone sat quietly, cold and mockingly on the dark street in the night. Inches away, there I sat, on a damp bench under a tiny roof that hardly covered me. The busses had stopped running for the night, as the early morning hours approached, and no one was out any longer. Everyone sleeping in their own homes I imagined, sound asleep in their warm houses. Unlike me, who sat lonely, cold and shivering under the bus stop that hardly shielded me from the rain that had begun to pour. I didn't know what to do, where to go.

My teeth chattered away, the only noise that echoed miles away. No cars or traffic came across my path, hardly anyone traveled along these old, cracked and broken roads. Hardly anyone lived on this side of town, near the old trailer park that had been run down for years. A good place to hide that was, no one would ever come looking around here. Most of the trailers were abandon and boarded up, windows smashed and doors broken into. Not a soul around, except for me, and him. Well, at least he used to be around, not anymore.

Clenching up, I held my arms tightly, trying to warm up although I was almost drenched by now. No matter what I would be cold, even if I made it to some warm building or shelter, I would remain freezing. I just wanted warmth at the moment, as the chilly wind made its way to me, as if knowing I was wet and cold by now, and only wanted to torture me further. As if it got a kick out of that, and I wasn't impressed.

One light down the end of the street glowed in the dark, as everything else danced amongst the shadows, casting everything in darkness. But I wasn't afraid of a bit of darkness, everything in my life seemed to be consumed of that for the past few years, too long for me.

Where do I go now? What do I do? Where should I go? He's gone, he isn't coming back. So should I just leave that place? Or should I go back? At least it's warm and dry there, right? At least I know I can stay there, right?

But what if he comes back?

So what? You've been with him for five years now, what's the big deal if he comes back? And besides, he won't. He packed up everything and left, you saw it all. He isn't coming back for you. He doesn't care anymore.

But I couldn't get my feet to move. My thoughts trying to push me back towards the trailer, a good three blocks away. But I couldn't move, I remained sitting there on the cold and rickety wooden bench, as if waiting for something. Waiting, for something I didn't know. For the unknown, like I had been waiting for for the past five years now.

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