Mommy and Daddy Dearest

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 It's a beautifully calm night. The air is still and cool, as I wake up to get a cup of water. I crawl out of bed and grab my spider plushie. Tiptoeing to the door I make sure not to make too much noise. Being only four years old it is kinda hard not to make noise in a huge mansion. Reaching the door I grab the handle and turn it. I peek outside of my room to see if anyone else is up. Not seeing anyone I continue to tiptoe down the stairs into the kitchen. I grab a chair and push it up to the counter, I climb onto the chair and grab a cup off the counter and fill it with water out of the sink. As I begin to take a drink I hear a crash from the living room then a grunt followed by the word "Fuck!" from a man. As I wait to see if it was my father I hear footsteps head up to the bottom of the stairs. I open the door to the living room from the kitchen and peek towards the stairs. I saw a man who wasn't my father look up the stairs and start to look around the house from his standpoint.

 I shrink back into the kitchen and head to my cabinet and climb into it and close the door and then open up the other door that leads to a secret room that I liked to go into when I was upset or scared. As the time passed all I heard was the man's footsteps and him crawling back through the window. Then I heard sirens coming closer and someone coming through the front door and running upstairs as fast as they could. As the sirens come to a stop outside the front door I hear my sister, Ellie, scream at the top of her lungs and run back downstairs to the police outside telling them in a muffled cry something that I couldn't quite catch. "Get her into the car so she won't go back upstairs. And check the perimeter the suspect might still be here." Says a man as more footsteps move towards the dining room on the other side of the stairs.

 I begin to crawl out of the cabinet and grab my stuffed spider off the counter and head towards the stairs. I reach the top of the stairs when I hear a worried "HEY!" come from behind me. I turn around to see a red-faced and-haired man. Dressed in blue, with a black gun, and a shiny badge on his chest. Afraid, due to the fact that I didn't know him, I ran into my parent's room and crawled onto their bed. I lay down under their blankets to be protected by them. As I begin to bury my head deep into my mother's chest I feel her arms wrap around me and her whisper "I love you my dear sweet Jackie." as her slow shallow breathing stop and her hand goes limp in my hair. The officer soon enters the room and sees the scene of horror that surrounded me and my dead parents. Soon he finds me hiding under the blankets in my mother's arms. Paramedics come in with a bed and start to take my father. Since I was still clutching my mother's chest so hard my hands were turning white. Eventually one of the police officers convinces me to let my mom go so the paramedics could help her. As I get carried away from my parent's room all I see is red and blue lights flashing outside and people in uniforms looking sad and scared as they all look at me. Seeing that I'm covered in blood they take me to the hospital to make sure I'm all right. 

 Once I was at the hospital the doctors take a look at me for any injuries. I have long brown hair and big blue-green eyes. My white skin was covered in red blood which was now turning brown from it drying on my skin. My grey nightgown was now red and brown. After they examine me for any injuries they allowed me to shower. Once I was clean and in some new clothes from the lost and found, a female nurse walks in and starts talking to me. "Hi, sweetheart. Mind if I ask you some questions?" She asks me. I nod my small head while I'm still holding my spider plushy. Its soft purple fur was now covered in a rustic brown from the blood. I was surprised they hadn't touched it or tried to take it away or wash it to make it pretty and clean again.

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