Waking up can be Rough

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Cool fresh air blows across the hilly landscape. Puddles fill the cracked and unmaintained roads echoing the memories of a long forgotten civilization, the ruins of the small once technologically advanced town lay silent as small and large creatures alike graze on plants and underbrush that fill what used to be roads, parking lots and the foundations of homes. The rusted carcasses of vehicles remain silent in their abandoned posts. Humanity long left behind this small town but nature quickly took back what belong to it.

As the creatures grazed in their reclaimed homes, a strange unknown scent carried by the wind perks their attention, watching intently towards the direction of the strange scent the creatures watch intently as a dark clothed being makes its way up the path, weary of this strange creature, the grazing animals scurry away in all directions keeping watch of the shadowy being.

With sword scabbard on his back and a long black coat over a black t shirt and black jeans with combat boots. The young man walks along the broken path, stopping for a moment to take in his surroundings he continues on his way.

It's been two weeks since I woke up, and still I have yet to find anybody.

As the young man walks the ancient path, voices of a distant past echo in his mind, broken memories fill his head.

These memories.

People running and screaming for help as shadow figures destroy buildings and vehicles. Men, women, children running and dying.

Why do I have these memories? Who am I? Where am I?

Stopping once again to look around after walking for hours, he finds himself in a wide open area with few houses dotting the landscape. Going down what seems to have been a dirt trail he makes his way up towards an unknown location.

This place. Why do I know it?

Walking past a few structures of what seem to have been homes, he reaches the ruins of a mobile home. After years of disrepair the small structure lies with pieces strewn everywhere. Walking up the ruined stone staircase he enters the home.

A wave of nostalgia fills his mind and body nearly bringing him to tears.

Why? Do I know this place? No, how could I?

Trekking through the ruins he makes his way through the home, the dilapidated structure remains silent with the traces of what used to be a warm household. What could have happened to leave this home in ruins?

After exploring the home and not finding anything of particular interest he leaves through the front door.

Why did I come here?

Looking around he examines his surroundings, yet nothing seems to bring any interest in his broken memory.

Then as he stands there observing the landscape, his body suddenly feels extremely hot, his mind stops reminiscing on the strange memories that brought him this far, instead they are replaced by an extreme feeling of rage. Without even thinking about it, his hand instinctively reaches for his sword. As quick as the feeling of rage filled his body, he sprints away from the home as a large fireball crashes into it, setting it ablaze.

Turning to watch as the structure burns to ash, suddenly a large beast soars through the flames at break neck speed headed straight for him. Lunging out of the way, he avoids any damage as the beast crashes into the earth sending debris airborne.

Drawing his sword, the young man prepares for battle as the ancient monster of legends walks out from the dust, fire billowing from its mouth and nostrils the large dragon stands tall billowing a powerful roar shaking the very earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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