Mon Amour

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You are laying on the couch rubbing you huge stomach while humming your favorite song. Adrien has his hear to your belly as he listens for the baby's movements. You cant hell but fall more in love with this man on you. He is the love of your life and soon to be the father of your child.

You wish there was an interesting story as to how well fell in love but it was a simple one. We met at the bakery fighting over the last danish when the baker came out with a fresh batch. We couldn't help but laugh at ourselves and soon that bakery trip turned into a once a week trip, then once every few days, then everyday as we went back to see each other. Finally he asked me out on a date and from there we fell madly in love and got married soon after.

You smile at the memory as he gets up from you and sighs, rubbing the back of his head.

"I have to go to a photoshoot. I'd rather you come with me, but I dont want you moving around too much."

"I'm not a porcelain doll, mon amour. I wont break." You laugh at him softly and give him a quick kiss on his nose.

"I know but the doctor says that you should rest for your last few weeks of pregnancy." He says as he cups your face and gives you a loving kiss.

"Alright, I'll rest. Now go! Before you are late."

He chuckles at you before giving you a quick kiss and heads out the door. You sigh lovingly as you stare at the door.

"Okay, now time to figure out how to get off this damn couch before I pee myself."

~time skip~

You are sitting on the balcony watching the sun set when some strange man sits next to you. You hard about to scream when he covers you mouth.

"You better not scream or I will kill you here and now. If you want you and your baby to live do as I tell you. Understand?" You are panicked but you nod your head. You hear him say good before everything goes black.

~time skip~

You feel pain in your head as you slowly open your eyes. You scream as soon as you fully wake. You are at the very top of the Eiffel Tower sitting at the edge with just one piece of rope keeping you from falling off.

"Look at that, the little birdy is awake."

"I thought you said you wont hurt us!"

"No I never said that, I only said I'd let you live if you did as I said. I never said I wouldnt hurt you." He says as he runs his fingers along your cheek. You pull away from him and he scowls at you.

"No matter. I just need Chat Noir to show up and save you. I really dont care what happens to you in the end." He turns around and pulls out a video camera.

"Ohhhh Chat Noir! I have something of yours!" He points to camera to me and takes out his knife and cuts my arm making me scream in pain.

"You better get here before something really bad happens. You have 15 minutes."

~time skip~

"Oh dear, it looks likes your time is up." He comes over to me and starts cutting the rope. You scream at him to stop and give him more time.

"Leave her alone, I'm the one you want." Chat says as he looks at you.

"Oh well look at that, my theory was correct! Now hand me your miraculous and I will let them go." He said as he smirks mischievously.

"Dont you dare give it to him!" You yell at him. He looks surprised.

"You and your baby's life is not worth this ring."

Mon Amour Where stories live. Discover now