+++come one come all!+++

21 1 1


As the lights shone brightly and the sound of clapping roared across the stadium, the ringmaster gave a short bow, smiling brightly to end the performance.

"Thank you all for coming tonight! I hope to see you again tomorrow!"

The eyes of a young child glimmered as he watched the performance end, he bounced with excitement while looking at the breathtaking view of the lions roaring in unison, the trapeze swinging around, and the bright and iconic circus music slowly fading as the lights dimmed.


As the boy exited the tent with his parents, he wouldn't stop talking about his experience in the circus, he felt like he was in his own world.

As his mother threw their cups and bags of peanuts, she felt a slight tug on her shirt

"Mama- I wanna be like the man! The man in the hat! The man who- who- made the elephants do tricks! Mama! Do you think I could be just like him?" He asked enthusiastically

His mother laughed gently and placed her hand on his mane of hair

"Kihyun honey, I'm sure you could be a ringmaster, your father and I will support it" She said in a gentle tone

Kihyun's eyes shone brightly as he had a goal


"The circus? Really? Are you kidding me? Are you TRYING to be a clown?" A girl in pigtails said, snorting at his drawing.

The class had been asked to draw what they wanted to be when they grow up, and Kihyun being his honest self drew himself in the circus with a large ring

"Kihyun, you DO know you aren't gonna go far with that right?"

"You're gonna become a failure y'know?"

The others started laughing at him as he shook angrily

"Whatever! Watch me become the greatest ringmaster in the world! Just watch!" Kihyun angrily snapped , running off, still holding on to his drawing as his classmates continued to laugh at him.


Kihyun comes home with tears streaming down his face, being concerned, his father sat down with him and talked

"Hey kid, what's wrong, why've you been crying..?"

Kihyun roughly wiped his face using his sleeves
" s'nothing pa, you don't have you worry.."

Kihyun's father sat him down and gave him a soft gaze                   
"You can tell me what's on your mind, I won't judge"

Kihyun started to cry, his tears flowing non stop as he quietly told his father, rambling while he told the story.


After finishing his story, his father gave him a strong gaze and petted his head

"Kid, Kihyun, Don't be the person someone wants you to be, be the person YOU wanna be, don't take shit from others"

Kihyun's eyes widened at his father swearing in front of him. He must be really angry, he never swears in front of me like that,,

Despite this, his shocked face turnes into a determined smile as he nods quickly.

"I won't! Count on me pop!"


As Kihyun continued to grow up, he faced harsh treatment from others, being laughed at and being called names for his passion.

Despite this, he only grew stronger, reminding himself of what his father told him as a child, and worked hard.

He was soon accepted into a well renowned school where he took on multimedia arts and worked his way up


"Kihyun! I'm so so proud of you!" Kihyun's mother cried as she smiled, showering him with kisses

"Maaa! Don't embarass me! I'm about to go out!" Kihyun exclaimed in embarassment as he put on his gloves and his top hat.

"Sir, you have a few minutes, you ready?"
Kihyun took deep breaths as he wobbled towards the back of the tent

"Ready as I'll ever be"
Kihyun shakily opened the curtains as the lights dimmed, a spotlight slowly forming on him as he gulped, walking to the center of the tent.

This was it, his dream was coming true, smile and wave kihyun, you can do it, he gave himself pep talk as he raised both his arms wide, one holding a ring, he gave the brightest smile he could muster

"Good evening to you all and welcome to the circus!"


Author note:
Aahhh i finally made the first chapter!!! Hope for more soon

Ot7 is forever ilyg bye bye ❤

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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