It's a secret.

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"Now, tell me if this is too personal of a question, but– Do you usually have sex with your mission partners?" Asked Owen Carvour, the man he'd been assigned to a mission with.

It's about 5 AM, in the cold hotel room they'd stayed at. Curt remembers the night vividly. Two cold bodies pressed up against each-other, warming up as the night went on. He'd never felt anything like it. The last time Curt did something like this, it was with a girl who liked him his freshman year of high-school. That was probably when he realized he was gay. Thank god she was cool with it. This was different though. The feelings he felt were something he couldn't exactly put into words. But now, it's the morning after, and he's not sure where to go next. He looks at Owen, who's naked body lay next to his, huddled under the covers.

"No. This— this is a first." Curt admits, nervously rubbing his thumbs over his knuckles. He's had plenty of partners over the years. The man's never felt like this about any of them, though. Owen nods a bit at this, a small smile on his face. He wraps an arm around Curt, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Well, glad to know I'm the exception, Mega." He says, in a coy tone of voice. Owen's fingers gently creeped down his neck, to his shoulders, giving Curt goosebumps. His face grew redder with every second. Then Curt got quiet, as realization struck him.

"... Where do we go from here, then? What are we, Owen?" Curt sits up, looking at him. Of course, Curt knows exactly what he wants to happen. If he had the guts, he'd ask him out right now. He's known Owen for some time now. They've been on plenty of missions together. And he's fallen for him. Hard. Owen seems to think for a moment, before the smile creeps back onto his face.

"Well, what do you want?" Owen turns to look at him, waiting for an answer. Curt stares deep into his eyes. Owen's eyes. Bright, and brown. Without thinking, Curt gently cups Owen's cheek in his hand, running it back towards his hair. His hair is soft. He gently runs his fingers through it, getting lost in the moment briefly. He looks back into Owen's eyes, taking a deep breath before he answers the question.

"... You. I want you, Owen." He says softly, his face a bright scarlet color. Owen carefully holds Curt's face in his hands, his cheeks glazed red as well. Curt practically melts at his touch, staring longingly into his eyes.

"Then so be it, Mega. I'm yours." Owen whispers, before gently pressing his lips against Curt's. They both lean into the kiss, Curt draping his arms around the other's neck. The kiss is brief, but monumental. Owen pulls away, staring at him. Curt stares back.

"What if someone finds out? Owen— if people find out, who knows what they'll do..." He expresses his concerns to the other man, who simply shakes his head. Owen presses a soft kiss to Curt's cheek, before whispering into his ear.

"Nobody has to know. It'll be our secret." The words send shivers down Curt's spine. He nods, wrapping his arms around Owen. Curt hides his face in his shoulder, closing his eyes and relaxing. Owen lets out a small, content hum, hugging back.

"... I like this secret." Curt mumbles into his shoulder, getting another small hum from Owen, who rubs circles on his back with his hand. He lays himself and Curt back down on the bed, letting Curt's form curl up next to his as they held onto each-other, trying to battle the cold.

"I do too." Owen says, softly. He presses a small kiss to the top of Curt's head, a smile on his face. Curt just holds onto Owen, staying as close as he possibly can. He's touch-starved, and Owen is a gift from the gods. This goes the other way around, as well. They've both been lonely for so, so long, in a world that shames them. Yet they've found solace in each-other, finally. A secret shelter from the outside world. Protection. Warmth. Love.

Curt slowly dozes off in Owen's arms, the latter following suit shortly after. They didn't have to catch a flight until the day after, so they spent the day in each-other's arms. Sharing the secret they called love.

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