Don't Tell Anyone!

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I walked silently into the gym hoping and praying that Ruka wasnt there. I nervously opened the door and just as I suspected she was sitting in the bleachers. I couldnt sneak away to the locker room quick enough because after she was finished observing Kuroko she looked in my direction and smiled like a cheshire cat. I nervously grinned. She jumped down from the bleachers and walked over to greet me.

  "Kagami! Whats up?" She asked. I stared nervously. " Is everything okay? You've been acting weird lately." She said flashing a concerned look. I smiled.

  "Heh, nothings wrong. Im just a little stressed from all the practices and all." I lied. I couldnt tell her about all the things I had seen that past week. It would just be weird. She stared into my dark eyes with her own bright green ones.

  " I thought you liked practice. You're always smiling when you come in here. After practice you may be annoyed and tired but otherwise you're a happy camper." She said playing with a strand of her wavy orange hair. I turned to watch Kuroko and rubbed the back of my neck.

  "Coach had been riding my ass about being a ball hog. I mean I totally disagree with this idea of teamwork. How am I supposed to cash in my points when I'm giving everyone else the chance to? I believe that its every man for himself." I said starting to kick back into my normal mode. I wasnt lying that time. I was being serious, I didnt want Ruka to know that I was shallow person I just wanted her to stop thinking that there was something wrong with me. She  looked directly into my eyes the way my mom did when she was trying to figure me out.

   "I think your coach is telling you that your good on points and that maybe you should kick back a little I mean you are stressing yourself at practices and eveything and I think shes noticing." She smiled and I smiled back. She agreed and didnt think I was shallow for not wanting to share. Just as I was forgetting the real reason I had brung this up a picture popped in my head. I jumped at the thought and darted to the locker room. I sat on a bench and held my head in my hands.

  "Whats wrong with you!" I whisper yelled at myself. "You should have stopped when you had the chance." I continued. The lockerroom door swung open revealing a stale faced Kuroko. "What?!" I asked angerliy hopping it would scare him into leaving but instead it rasised his intrest.

  "I think I should be asking you that Kagami. What was that back there with Ruka?" He asked, sitting down on the bench next to me. I sighed.

  "You have to promise not to tell anyone." I said. I didnt think that Kuroko would I just wanted to make sure that he didnt because this was something diffrent from what I had ever told him.

   "Is it that you like Ruka becasue everyone knows-" I cut him off

   " It isnt that. It has something to do with her though." I said he nodded asking me to go on.

   " Ruka moved in that house next door to me. She doesnt know that though. One night when I was finishing a paper that was due the next day I took a break and looked out of my window and saw Ruka there sitting on her bed writing. It scared me at first and I instantly wanted to close my blinds but I couldnt." I said staring off into space. I looked at Kuroko who had no expression whatsoever.

   "So you've been stalking Ruka-chan?" He asked. I jumped up.

   "Dont say that Tetsuya! Its not like im some kind of creepy perv!" I yelled. Kuroko's face remained the same.

  "I'm going to assume that you saw something that you shouldnt have and everytime you see her you are reminded." He said pretty much summing everything up. I sighed heavily and plopped back down on the bench.

  "What am I going to do? If I tell her she'll never want to see me again. I shoud have just told her the minute I saw... I cant say anything without ruining our friendship now. It's been going on for too long." Kuroko stood to leave but stopped and turned to say something.

"It's not like you could help yourself Kagami. It was male instict and Ruka-chan is a very pretty girl but I think if you confronted her about it and were completely truthful she would forgive you. Eventually." I looked at him making sure to display my rage. I had to agree with this statement though. "On the bright side it's not like you're Aomine. She probaly wouldnt forgive him. He does stuff like that intentionally." I smiled a bit.

   "Thanks Kuroko. When do you think I should tell her?" I asked, realizing how weird it was that Kuroko knew so much about girls.

   "Tell her after practice when you walk her home. That way you'll be alone and have visuals on why it was so easy for you to watch her." He said. I thought about it and decided that I would be a good idea.

   "Okay, after practice it is."

I'm Your Stalker... (Kuroko No Bauske Fanfic/Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now