Mystery Girl

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Elena POV:

Today was just like any other typical day in Avalor. I got ready and put my apricot mallow flower in my hair. Once satisfied with my look, I grabbed my sceptre and headed to Mateo's workshop. I was going to be training with him and Zuzo to use the sceptre properly without collapsing all the time. I have to learn in order to defeat Shuriki, the evil sorceress who killed my parents. I was so deep in thought; I didn't even realise I had arrived to Mateo's workshop. I knocked on before entering and found Mateo looking at a spell book. "Hey Mateo, you ready to get started?" He looked up at me with a smile and said, "Sure. We just need Zuzo then we are ready to go." With that I called for Zuzo, my chanul who magically appeared in the room.

Zuzo POV:

I heard Princess Elena calling for me and remembered it was time for sceptre training, Boy am I excited to learn what that thing can do! So, I magically transported myself from my home in the spirit world to where Elena was waiting. "Hey Elena, Mateo, lets get started shall we now that I am here." I said excitedly. "Okay Elena, we're going to start off with blaze for now." Mateo told her. "You might wanna move out of the way, just in case." I said to him. I mean it's fine for me because well I am a spirit animal.

Elena POV:

Mateo pointed to the targets I was to hit when trying to use this spell. I looked at the targets and aimed the sceptre towards them. "BLAZE!" I said loudly. The sceptre glowed and blasted at one of the targets I was aiming for. I put my left hand on my forehead and smiled in amazement. "I can't believe that actually worked!" I said to Mateo and Zuzo. "Good job Elena, Mateo, maybe she should try something else." Zuzo said to him. "Great idea Zuzo, Elena try and use the far sight spell just like the Sun Birds taught you." "Oh of course, I remember that one, I was with her after all." Zuzo responded.

I immediately thought of Shuriki and wondered what sort of evil plan she was coming up with this time. "Far sight." I said as I pointed the sceptre at a wall. Then she appeared and I saw her riding a Jaquin, Cruz no less. I wondered where they were going but my thoughts were soon interrupted by the door being slammed open. "Elena, come quick!" It was my sister Isabel. "What's wrong Isa?" "I found a girl unconscious not too far away from the castle. Gabe brought her to a guest room but we have no idea who she is." This I was intrigued by. "Okay Isa I'm coming. We'll continue training later." With that, I left the workshop and went with Shuriki to see this mysterious girl.

Isabel POV:

As soon as I found the girl, I immediately asked Gabe to take her to a guest room and get someone to make sure she would be okay. I have never seen her before, and for this reason I must tell Elena. When I did tell her, she came with me to where Gabe had taken her. Once we got to door of the room, Elena asked me to wait outside, so I did and she went inside.

Elena POV:

I went inside the room and just like Isa said, there was a girl lying on the bed. She was right we don't know who she is but I noticed right away she had a lot of bruises and cuts. My guess is, she's been through a difficult time. "Will she be alright?" I asked the doctor that was present in the room. "She just needs to rest and she should be fine. However, we don't know what she'll be like when she wakes up so, we will try our best to keep her calm when she does." I nod and make my way to the door. Just as I was about to push the handle, I heard movement and someone groaning as though they were in pain. I turned around to see the girl had woken up. Where- Where am I?" She asked. I walked over to her and said, "You're in Avalor, you're safe. What's your name?" I tried my best to assure her. "y/n, my name is y/n." "Well y/n, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need." She thanked me and I smiled at her before leaving the room. 'Wow, even though all those cuts and bruises, she's still beautiful. Wait what?' I thought to myself.

Ending this one here. What did you guys think? Let me know and don't forget to vote! :)

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