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     On board the Morning Star, it was a typical day, Jinx and Malphite dreaming about someday blowing up planets in the galaxy, Ziggs playing with his beakers and experiments, and Yasuo lost in his books. Sona, the ships newest member who not too long ago managed to escape Shidea Kayn and choose to help Yasuo stop the evil darkin Rhast from corrupting and fully taking over Kayn, was walking around the ship with her ethwhal near by.

     She entered a room that was filled with small monitors. Filled with curiosity, she walked up to one. On the static filled screen, she could see Ziggs blowing up beakers and other lab-like material. She lifted her hand up to her mouth and made a inaudible giggle. He was definitely unique. Sona smile and watched as Ziggs shattered another beaker.

     A few moments later, the screen became black and white static glitching on and off and the lights that lit the room blinked away. A few seconds later, she heard a voice that sent chills down her spine. "Sona!" it said. "I know you're there somewhere!" The voice Sona knew to belong to Shidea Kayn creeped in the room. "I will find you and you will give me your ora!" He growled.

     Sona's face filled with tears as she fell to her knees. If he caught her again, she knew he would just drain her of her ora and then just leave her abandoned in the open vacuum of space.

    Sona was still hunched over crying when she felt two arms tightly around her. She looked up to see the captain of the ship, Yasuo. "Shh..." He softly whispered in her ear. "You're safe here, I promise, I got you." He said tightening his grip. Sona's cheeks grew a light pink, yet she felt safe in his arms as he hugged her. He smiled lightly and wiped Sona's tears. 

    He helped her up and picked up her ethwhal. Sona reached out to grab it, but Yasuo pulled back. "I got it." He said calmly helping Sona up. Sona nodded and walked next to Yasuo with her hands cupped in front of her. 

     They stayed silent until they got to Sona's room, or as Jinx calls it 'The Templar Room'. Yasuo carefully put Sona's ethwhal by her bed and gestured her to sit down. She sat on the side of the bed and looked up at the captain. Her cheeks still a little red from earlier. "Are you going to be okay?" He asked looking into her eyes. Sona nodded shakily. "If you feel scared, you can always come to me, okay?" He offered with a glint of a smile. Sona nodded and rubbed her eyes. "You should get some rest. I can wake you up for dinner if you want." He said putting his arm on Sona's shoulder. The young Templar nodded and laid down. 

     Yasuo smiled and gently closed the door behind him. Sona's cheeks she knew were still a bright red and felt hot.  Somehow...I see him differently... she thought to herself slowly falling into sleep.

    About 3 hours later...

     A knock came from the door; no answer. A slightly drunk Yasuo came into Sona's room and woke her up. Y-Yasuo...? She thought looking confused. Probably started drinking again... She thought and stretched. She picked up her ethwhal and played a soothing tune that would hopefully help him to avoid having a bad hangover. 

     When Sona came down for dinner, she found a small plate left, just for her. After eating it and putting her dishes away, she went to find Yasuo. She found him in his room. She knocked on the door taking a deep breath. "Yeah? Come on in!" He called. Sona opened the door and walked in to find Yasuo lost in one of his books. He looks so cute... She thought again blushing. "Oh Sona, everything okay?" He asked looking up. She nodded slowly. He walked over to get a notebook and ink. "What's up?" He asked handing it to her. I'm scared again... she wanted to put but instead wrote, "I've been thinking about earlier today, with Kayn." Yasuo nodded giving Sona a hug. "As long as you are here, I promise no one on this ship will let him get you again, got it?" Sona nodded and backed up. 

     "It's late, you should get back to bed." Yasuo said looking up at Sona. She looked down and over her shoulder in what seemed to be sorrow and fear. Yasuo stood up and cleared off a spot on his bed. "How about you stay here then, that is, if you want m'lady." He said jokingly and gestured for Sona to lay down on the bed. She sat down on the side slightly blushing again. You make me feel safe... She wanted to say. 

    She hesitantly laid down and Yasuo shook his head. "There is no way that is comfortable for you." He said taking off his shirt. "Try this on, I won't watch, I promise." He said handing the shirt to Sona and looking away. She unzipped her dress and took off her head piece revealing her neon blue hair. After a few minutes, Yasuo turned back around in awe. "You know, you should show you're hair more often, its amazing." He said with a smile. Yasuo slid into the covers moments after. "See you in the morning Sona." He said before passing out. I feel safe next to you...what is this I am feeling... Sona thought to herself before turning her back to him and felling asleep next to him. 

  To be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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