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~Chase's Perspective~

We left the function faster than I intended to. I wasn't expecting Amelia to attend as well. I only went to the dumbass banquet to deny a business plan that would have helped my father out. With him expanding his hotel buys, I knew there was going to be a seller there, so I attended on my fathers behalf as his so called partner and denied the offers. It was childish, I admit.

Since the night we came back from New Haven, I've been thinking of ways to make my father's life a living hell, that is where he belongs. It may sound harsh, but when I was on my way down to talk to Amelia and apologize, I heard her and my mom talking about Calvin and I.

I was heated, betrayed, that my own mother would fucking tell someone else that she has been getting abused, but me. I know that she asked Amelia to keep it a secret. I was hoping that Amelia would be honest and tell me. I took a day to collect my thoughts. After that, it took everything in me not to fly up to Colorado and beat the crap out of him myself.

Squeezing myself into Rachel's invite was already hard enough, but having to hear Amelia ask to take a break from our relationship, tugged the ends of my heart.

After the banquet, I had to get something from Jackson. I dragged Amelia along with me. When Violet told me that Xavier could be mine, I've been punctured in damn despair. I was skeptical what to do, so I asked Jackson if his aunt could get me a DNA test if I got a sample. I had to pay her a load, but it would all be worth it. Once I get to know more about the kid, I'll be able to get my DNA sample. I wouldn't trust Violet for one damn moment. I don't know how I'm going to do this when Amelia always wants to know everything I'm doing.

Maybe this break would be a opportunity for me to solve this situation without her knowing.

"Are you ready to go?" I head over to her after she dismissed Ellie. I'm not sure why she would want to talk to Ellie anyways. I know I prompted her to forgive her mistake, since they are family, but then again, that means nothing. I still feel bad about the way Nolan went about things with her. I wish he did not leave so soon so I could have pummeled his fucking face, but I'm glad he is out of the picture because now I have her.

All I want to do is treat her the way she deserves to be treated. With my whole life being in shits I don't think I can give her that, I can at least keep my promise to her and try. But deep down I know I'm as fucked up as my father.

I made the taxi drop her off at the Millers even though I wanted her to spend the night with me. She waited back in the car, expecting me to say something to make her stay, but I gestured my head for her to get out the car. I knew I officially fucked things over when she rolled her eyes and slammed the car door strongly.

Fuck. What the hell am I doing.

I should just fucking go back to her and spend the rest of Thanksgiving night with her. It's been five years since she lost her mother and I can only imagine how this day makes her feel. It wouldn't be right leaving her alone.

But I don't ever do the right things.

Instead, I took the time out of my life to make the drive to Violet's house. It may be late, but the faster I get this done, the better I will feel about myself. I texted her ahead of time and told her I would be coming, so she should still be up. I hoped the kid would be up as well. The plan is when she isn't around or looking, I'll take a piece of any DNA sample. But what? Saliva, a hair strand, definitely not urine. I would literally vomit if I had to.

Before I could even knock on the wooden door, she opens it. "I thought that was you walking up to my place." She grins. "What brings you here so late?" she crosses her arms over her chest. "Is your girlfriend not putting out enough? You know I haven't had sex in a while so-"

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