master abroham

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Jordan asked the man who he is. "My name is stephen abroham but you can call me master abroham lord sage steven master king sensei sama lord Steveo rino. Or just master abroham for short." (Pronounced "master abb row ham) "what is your name boy" "jordan" he replied "ok jord! Let's go train" "did you just call me jord? Asked Jordan. "RULE 1" said abroham "dont question my ways! Now let's get out there and train." The training was pretty simple. Have you ever watched naruto? Well it's the same thing from that. Master abroham has 3 bells. Jordan has to get them before a certain time limit. Jordan instantly tried grabbing the bells but abroham was very fast. Jordan kept trying to grab the bells without any sort of strategy for hours. "You're running out of time you pussy ass bitch" said abroham. Then he ran into Jordan with his shoulder. Jordan fell over with a bloody nose. He got back up and abroham ran into him again this time even harder. He kept doing this over and over and jordan started to think *ok somehow I have to stop him from attacking me but how? He's so fast that I can't see him. Maybe I can knock HIM over. He has too much momentum for me to knock him over but maybe i can trip him.* then everything was in slow motion for Jordan. Abroham was running at him. At just the right moment jordan ducked down and knocked master abroham legs out from beneath him. Abroham fell over and dropped the bells and Jordan picked them up. Jordan raised the bells over his head in victory. Abroham punched jordan and said "that was the warmup. The real training begins now!" Abroham rapidly threw punches at jordan and all of them hit. Jordan lost alot of energy really fast. He knee that in a real fight this would be a dire situation. He got a firm stance on the ground and began screaming. Abroham thinks *is this what I think it is?* Jordan's hair turns bright yellow again and his power creates a pushing force comparable to that of the punch from black guy. Jordan gets a few hits in before master abroham stops the training session. He says to jordan "so you're a super sayian huh jord?" Jordan has no idea what hes talking about and just says "yeah I guess." "You have great potential. You could even beat black guy someday but it will take alot of training and experience." I'll do whatever it takes." said jordan jordan goes to bed in an extra room in abroham's hobbit hole. His dreams were haunted with memories of TC's death. Jordan tried his best not to think about this as him and master abroham continued training for the rest of the week.

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