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I get a text this morning from Ellie, unexpectedly. She had asked me to come by the apartment. I was uncertain onto why, so I didn't answer it. I contemplated it for a while while I made myself peanut butter toast, then I made the decision to text her back.

I guess I will go after all.

Looking at the counter, I realized that I still have Chase's car keys. Thinking back to last night, I know he probably didn't mean to say what he did.

He was drunk, so maybe he did mean it. I'm so pissed at him for the way he's been caring himself, first instead of spending time with me on Thanksgiving night he kicks me out the car and leaves, then he refuses to check on me. It took me putting my pride aside to call and text him yesterday. When he wasn't answering, I called everyone I know. My last resort was Roger and as I was speaking with him I got a call from the Police department.

Of course he was at the bar and ends up in a cell. He is just full of surprises. I nearly wanted to leave him in there but I missed him so damn much.

Why do I love this maniac that doesn't understand the dangers of being an alcoholic? He was annoyed at the fact that I brought up his drinking issues last night, but someone has to. I'm not sure why he doesn't want to own up to it. If anything, I'll help him. It worries me sometimes and brings me back to my mother's drunken nights. I would hate to see him end up like her.

I don't know how I would feel if I lost him.

I leave the keys on the counter because I know he'll come for them. And I hope Rachel is home when he does, so she can give him a talk of her own. I won't be here to see him.

I ordered my Uber and headed towards the apartment. A familiar truck is in the driveway and It made me want to hit an automatic U-turn. But, I want to see what Ellie and Nolan have to say to me now.

"Hello?" I walk into the quiet apartment.

"Hey!" Ellie comes out of her room, and so does Nolan. At least this time around they are both clothed. Seeing him here, now in front of me, I don't seem to feel anything for him. If anything, I'm glad everything ended between us.

"Is this an intervention or something?" I hold back a smile.

"Nolan was actually bringing my boxes for me." says Ellie.

"Is that why you wanted me to come? To rub in my face that you're moving in my room?" I reply to her.

"No, Why do you always think I'm going to sabotage you?"

"You did it before. I wouldn't be surprised if you tried again." My head tilts to the side. I'm trying to figure out her thought process in all of this. She comes back from London boarding school, takes my boyfriend, takes my city, and then my room.

I know we always said we would share dreams of living in the same city and what not, but it stings when she betrayed me, I feel like she's attacking my whole life.

Maybe I'm just being exceedingly dramatic.

"I asked you to come because I need you to get the rest of your stuff out of the room. Since you're not living here anymore, I'll be staying here.  Nolan is only here to help."

I try not to get worked up about it.

"Before you do. Can we talk?" Nolan asked me and nervously lifts his shoulders. I want to say no, but I don't want to be immature about it either. I roll my eyes and walk out the front door, and he follows.

I sit on the stairs, and he sits one level higher. "How are you?" He asks.

"Skip the crap. You wanted to talk."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now