Day one, The noise outside

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Crash. The s4 woke up this morning to a loud noise coming from outside, Army being Army got up and went to check it out,but found nothing.

------------------sHipPiNG tIme mY dUdeS---------------------------

Army was making curry for the others for dinner while mask and skull were watching anime and aloha was doing some very.....cough cough ship worthy drawings cough cough.As Army was making dinner aloha decided it would be a good idea to go and help him so he got up off the floor and walked over to the bench.'Hey armz,you want some help? ' 'Aloha,dont even bother asking-' 'sHut uP hYuk bOy,Just go kiss your eyebrow hating boyfriend or something' aloha interrupted mask 'i wouldn't mind that' skull smirked,mask went quiet and walked off 'nooooo mAsSsSk come backkkkkkkkkkkk' aloha teased 'nO,gO aWay alOha' mask cursed.

---------------------------now sick boi------------------------------

Mask woke up the next morning feeling light headed,he walked into the kitchen,using anything stable as a support beam on the way.Army noticed mask and went over to lead him back to his room 'nOoOoO i don't wanna go backkkkkkkkkk' he groaned 'To bAd' army replied,in an intimidating tone,mask felt to sick to respond so in the end he ended up giving in and went with army, using the walls a a support beam

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