Chapter 1

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The Flight to Death by CamCam12340

                Once there was this girl named Susan who didn’t like flying at all because she thought in her mind “What if the plane crashes or we get shot down.” That was a phobia for her, she hated that phobia because she liked traveling to different countries. One day she was with her friends and were talking about going on a vacation to Scotland. The only problem was that you had to fly there. Susan asked her parents if she can got to Scotland with her friends?

            Her parents replied “Yes but be safe and were going to miss you a lot.” When Susan went to her friend’s house she told them she can.

            Susan asked “Are we going to drive to Scotland.”

            Her friend Lily replied “Silly, we can’t drive to Scotland.”

            “Oh we can’t!” Susan wondered. When the girls were packing for the trip Susan got so scared she started crying all of the sudden. Lily and Jessica were trying to calm her down but she just couldn’t calm down. Then they called Susan’s mom to pick her up from Jessica’s house. 45 minutes later Susan’s mom was there to pick Susan up. They were driving home

            And Susan’s mom asked “Hun what’s wrong.”

            Susan replied “DON’T YOU KNOW I DON’T LIKE FLTING!” in a sobbing voice. Later that night Susan was eating super and called her friends and said “I’m so sorry for crying all of the sudden.”

            They replied back “it’s totally ok we understand.” Then Susan hung up the phone and went to sleep and woke up the next morning. She was brushing her teeth and combing her hair. When she was putting stuff in her backpack she noticed she forgot to do her homework. Susan was so scared to talk to her teacher. Then Susan’s mom walked in the room and noticed her face was really pale.

            Susan’s mom questioned her “what’s wrong do you feel good?”

            Susan answered back “I…I…forgot to do my homework… I’m so sorry mom.” Her mom told her that it’s ok but you still have to go to school. Susan went to school with a note saying. “Susan didn’t know what to do and she didn’t understand. If you have some time could you help her a little thanks Lynette.”

            The teacher whispered to Susan It’s ok I will have you work with me during lunch.”

            Susan sighed in relief “Thank you so much I’m so relied thanks.” When it was lunch time Susan went to the teacher’s room. They worked on homework all though the lunch period. Susan got home from school and her mom had her bags packed for the trip to Scotland. Susan was scared but she went to her friend’s house to spend the night sense it was a Friday night. The next day Susan, Lily and Jessica were saying good bye to their parent’s. Lily’s mom and dad were driving them to the airport. Susan’s heart was beating so fast she started saying calm down it will be fine. Susan asked Lily’s mom Bree if she could have a peanut butter sandwich? They were almost to the airport it was dark out. Around 11:30pm and the girls were drinking coffee to stay awake to help unload the luggage when they get to the airport. They got to the airport around 1:00am they carried their luggage to the plane. They got on the plane and Susan was really scared but she was thinking that it would be ok. It was 3:00am when all of the sudden the plane started shacking like crazy And Susan was panicking so bad she passed out in her seat.

            The flight attendant came through the intercom and said “Sorry were having major turbulence please remain calm it will be done in maybe 20 minutes.” Susan woke up and was freaking out but Lily and Jessica were calming her down. The plane finally stopped shacking and the plane was flying so smoothly. The plane landed in Scotland around 7:00am and Susan and the girls were sleeping so quietly and calm. Susan got up when Lily’s parents woke them up Susan was shaking a little and she sked if they could go to exposure therapy in Scotland for an half to an hour. Lily’s parents agreed and said yes. Susan then was never scared of flying ever again thanks to her dear friends.        


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