Riley and Me

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I wasn't exactly sure how I came to be here, but for some reason, I was following my best friend through the middle of a party I hadn't wanted to attend, but something he insisted I do, so he could keep an eye on his ex 'best friend'.

Only God knows why.

And I did too I guess, but it wouldn't be the first time and it wouldn't be the last. He always tended to ramble to anyone who would listen, but that didn't mean anyone could actually make sense of what he was saying.

"So nice to see you Laura, William I can't believe you're here too!" I knew those weren't their names but like always, Riley blew through like a tornado and left only confusion and most often destruction in his wake.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I apologized for him as we scurried through large crowds. Well, I scurried between people, Riley knocked them over if they didn't move out of way fast enough. Not because he pushed but because he walked so fast.

Though... it wasn't like he hadn't pushed someone out of the way before. "Carol, there you are!"

"Um... my name's not..." I panted as I ran over to where Riley stood talking to another woman with a pleasant smile on his face.

"Have you seen a guy about 6ft with brown hair, blue eyes, trash hanging on his arm."

"Um... no, I don't..."

"Did I mention the trash was in the form of a girl?"

I bit my lip to hold in my sigh. I honestly don't know why I followed Riley around all over the place, but I guess it had something to do with the fact I didn't have any other friends. Okay, and maybe I had a bit of a crush. But no one really liked me, and Riley was the only one who didn't care what anyone else thought. One of his best and worst traits. I didn't think I could ever say even half of the things he said daily.

"Oh, well, in that case, I think I may have seen them over there."

"Thank you." I could hear the sugar drip from his voice, turning to poison half-way through. I didn't even know why he was so mad. So, Trip got a girlfriend, it wasn't that bad. But I guess he felt somewhat replaced, considering their fallout had happened around the same time.

Either way, Riley didn't have a very good relationship with anyone from our school except me and Trip. No one really liked his bravado or how he was brutally honest to a fault. I wasn't sure where the line was between brutally honest and just plain trash talking but Riley sure stood teetering on the edge.

I clutched my books tighter to my chest as I followed him towards Trip and his new girlfriend, Emma. I wasn't very good friends with either of them, but I guess that was my fault since I never opened my mouth to speak. Which was all well and good since Riley spoke enough for the both of us.

I was almost scared of what would happen when they confronted each other. Would fires start, earthquakes ravage the lands, would tsunamis wash away everything? I knew I was being ridiculous but, on some level, I truly thought of this confrontation as a clash between natural disasters. I wonder who would come out on top.

"Hey all! So, have you two been enjoying yourselves." Riley asked a smile plastered across his face, faker than plastic.

I sensed explosive signals coming from Riley. Somebody was about to get burned, maybe even Riley himself but someone wasn't walking out of here alive.

"What do you want, Riley?" Trip sounded drained. "I'm tired of dealing with you and your dramatics."

Riley clenched his fists but managed to maintain his pleasant smile, however fake. "Quiet Trip, let the adults talk."

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