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They arrived on the Australian coast as dawn began to rise her beautiful head.
And boy, were all four boys knackered. And by four, we have come across the sensational Otto Knows, who was due to perform with the trio that night. But now, he was sprawled on the bed between Axwell, which his leg was pinned under, and Sebastian, who was falling asleep on his right arm.
They all managed to fall asleep for the next six hours.
Steve was heard tapping away in the next room, laptop out and Logic open.... He was working on a new song called 'French Kiss', which was only an instrumental.
Still, he smiled at the bass line, then clicked the drums plug-in and played around with the lower frequency sounds, before deciding on one and clicking it onto the song.
He previewed the sound as he kicked back in the dining chair.

The time passed, before Amy Thomson walked in to wake up the three gently, wearing baggy track pants and Sebastian's jumper. Last time she woke them up, Axwell fell off the bed and Ingrosso had ignored her, rolling over and curling into a ball.
' All this for some f**king shopping...' she had mumbled under her breath. But now, she was gentle, and forgiving.
Otto blinked his eyes open, finding he couldn't move without the older men's co-operation.
"Sssh. We're trying to sleep!" Ingrosso mumbled.
"Wrong!" Amy called, plopping herself onto his chest. He gasped and sat up immediately, letting her slide off. Amy smirked cheekily.

Axwell paid no heed, or was just out like a light. Otto's arm was finally free and then made it's way towards Hedfors' ear, tickling under the sensitive flappy spot.
The small sigh that escaped the oldest had soon climaxed into a crescendo of giggles and squealing. Otto laughed from beside him as Ax sprung up and rubbed his ear, trying to rid of the tingly feeling.

Steve walked out with messy hair and sleepy eyes. Sleep was the last thing he wanted to do, but the one thing he probably needed.

Flights on bad planes always ruffled him up, but he avoided getting grumpy by playing or producing the music that he loved. One of his hands held a fresh hot mug of coffee- the third that morning- and in the other, his USB stick which he remembered the presence of and placed it gently on the table beside him.
" Already to go crew?" Amy quipped, eyeing all the boys’ squinting eyes and tousled hair. Probably one of the best perks of the job was getting to drag her boys around like puppies. Especially for food shopping.

Amy managed to usher them into the travel-van within 10 minutes.
" Antoine, how are you? We're in Miami in three weeks!" Steve exclaimed through his phone speaker.
" Hey brother. I'm with Max in Dubai."
" On a romantic date?"
Antoine laughed through the speakers, "You know it!" he joked. “Where are you guys performing tonight?’
“Australia.” Steve laughed. “Too many flies, I tell you,”
Max was heard in the background, mumbling something about guitars and eggs.
" Apparently it's my turn to cook breakfast. The Maxmeister is hungry. " his brother replied. “Will talk another time.”
Steve laughed, "Okay seeya!"
" Seeya!"

Steve hung up the call. He slipped his phone into his pocket before looking over to Axwell and Seb, who were currently engrossed (or Ingrossed, haha),  in a touch-and-go tickling war. Seb poked Axwell under the ribs which earned him a mighty yelp from the elder, who retorted by flicking his ear.
Axwell was smiling all the same at the brown-eyed male who was now sliding his hand between his back and the seat.
Hedfors was squealing, he couldn't move his arms and hands into a position to stop what was happening, and so felt obliged to flail uselessly and hope for the best.

Steve wrinkled his nose up. Pure flirting, he thought.
"Get a room, you two..." He smirked at the scene, biting an itchy indent in his lip. Axwell couldn't speak anything but gibberish in reply, and threw his arms more violently when Seb started tickling his ribs.
Otto Knows laughed from the front seat, “I agree with Steve, get a room!”
Sebastian’s hands had found their way under Axwell’s shirt and the older screamed. Steve had to laugh, adjusting himself to better watch the scene.

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