Chapter 3

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It's been a week since I moved to Mystic Falls. I have to admit it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

"You should have seen it! It was hilarious!"
I laugh as Bonnie tells me all the details of her little brothers birthday partyt last night. I can't describe how much I miss her. We met in kinder garden and have been inseparable since. "Bonnie, I have to go. I'm so sorry! I'll call you back later, I promise."
I cancel the phone then head downstairs. My parents and I are going to The Grill for dinner. We've never been there but apparently the food is really good.

My parents and I walk in the restaurant. It's not big or fancy but it looks nice. I turn my head to the bar and see a group of teens from my school playing a drinking game. Oh dear, Dad is not going to like that. My dad is a good father, he's just a bit overprotective of me. I recognize a few of the kids. Tyler, a well muscled, dark haired guy. He's Caroline's boyfriend. Sitting beside him is Caroline, my only friend in Mystic Falls. I have seen the blonde girl sitting across from Caroline a few times, I think her name is Rebekah. She has a sigarette in one hand and a beer glass in the other. I see her try to hand the siagrette to the guy beside her. He declines and she rolls her eyes. "Oh come on Stefan!" The boy, Stefan, sighs and grabs it. He takes a deep breath and then exhales. I'd never say it out loud, but holy heck he's hot. "Those idiot kids are going to get themselves into trouble sooner or later," my dad says. "Stay away from them, Elena." I turn my focus back to my family. My mom is looking at the menu and my dad is rambling about how bad the group of teens by the bar is and how I should stay away from them. Are they really so bad though? Is my dad overreacting? I don't know. Caroline seemed so nice and perky and fun, how could she be a bad influence?

The rest of the evening is filled with conversations about my parents jobs and the food we ordered. I can feel that my dad wants to talk about Caroline and her friends. On the way home I try not to draw attention to myself. I really don't feel like talking right now. It'll just end with my dad saying that he doesn't want me anywhere near Caroline and if I disobey, there will be consequences. I'm about to walk up to my room when my dad says "Elena, we need to talk." Oh no, hear we go. This is going to be great. "Yes dad?" I ask in an annoyed tone. "Those kids at the bar, do you know them?" Lie, lie, Elena you have to lie. But I can't bring myself to lie. "Yes dad I know them but I'm only really friends with one of them." He looks me dead in the eye and says "Elena, you stay away from them. I don't want you anywhere near them. Don't talk to them and stay out of their way. I know I sound unreasonable but it's for your own good, you'll understand when you're older." Understand what? That you're being too overprotective? "Elena, are you listening? There will be consequences if you disobey." Well, there it is! I knew he was going to say it. Why can't except that I'm groing up and don't need him protecting me?

Sorry for this, not so well written, boring chapter. I promise the story will get more interesting.
I was half asleep while writing this so please excuse any typos and badly written sentences.
xxx a very exhausted maddie

So I edited this a bit and tried to make it into a better chapter. Thank you quarantine for giving me time to rewrite some stuff. I wrote the first three chapters in December, the chapters from this point on are new and written in April.

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