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Kaden's POV

     I stared at the door to my misery, debating on skipping. My heart slowed, being prepared to go to class as a smart ass who didn't need this school. Because that was who I was, a kid who didn't need to be here, because all they did was learn as a child, without a childhood you learn to mature, until you're older. You become this craving beast who needs affection in their memory. So I draw whatever I need to need that little demon inside, between you and me we don't want it getting out.

The bell rang and I strolled to my locker, people parting the miniature sea of teenagers for me. I was the maleficent of this fucking shithole excuse for a kingdom, the one people feared. But on another hand, and to most people, they didn't have a problem with me. I was only the pretty bitch you didn't fuck with, you loved and adored for whatever reason, or you were a pissy teacher. I fucking hate teachers if you hadn't noticed by my previous comment.

Most people started a rumor that I was deaf, and only put in a hearing aid around my friends, or the one I wish- I could just read everyone's lips. But I wasn't any of those, I just hated teachers, kids, the world in reality can suck my left broken toe nail if I had one. But alas, we can't sit around complaining now can we Kaden? I thought. I shook my head and opened my locker, which to my surprise had a note waiting to fall out. I caught it gently and opened the seemingly polite curtesy of a mini letter.
"Dear Kay,

-By the way when we meet is it alright if I call you that? Doesn't matter it's my nickname now :p I'm a new student, name is Jasper. You seemed like a person I'd get along with so you're supposed to tour me today, since you're on the student council. I've heard so much about you just by walking around last Friday looking at flyers, people adore you and I kinda thought you were bitchy for that, but that's me being a judgements ass hat. People then started to talk about how you're apparently deaf, seeming you ignore everyone but people you want to hear, I like that, to be honest I've been doing it since ;p meet me in the library as soon as you read this pleeeeeeaaaaaseeee please pleeaassee :) thanks Kay 🖤
P.S- I need you to help me with my grades, and in a few weeks if you don't ignore me I have to ask you a huge favor, I hate these petty blondes and bitchy brunettes, basically any girl that fawns over me can fuck off, it seems everyone is already talking about me ;) I'll talk about the rest when you bring dat ass to the library!
Sincerely, Jasper"

I huffed and crumpled the paper, walking over to the bubbler I drowned the ink on the page in water, throwing it at some random kid so he or she couldn't read it if they were being too curious. The locker was a neat aesthetic of grundge, on one side were my all black leather sketchbooks, a few folders with paper, and my pouch filled with pens and pencils. On the other was an emergency set of clothes containing a black wool turtleneck dress, knee socks, a few chained accessories, and a pair of combat boots with tiny paintings on the bottoms, consisting of a middle finger on the left and a skull on the right. I did it during class because I was bored, and the art assignment wasn't very creative.

I snatched my belongings of books and folders, closing the locker with a slam as I walked down the hall. Girls came up to me asking if I was interested in this named 'hottie' Jasper. I ignored them until I heard a whisper, "didn't you hear? Kaden is deaf. She doesn't hear things without her aids unless you walk in front of her so she can read you lips." I grabbed the bitch who decided to play telephone by her collar and threw her into a locker. "This deaf girl can just so happen to hear little bitches who snicker about people, she can also hear EVERYTHING else you all say, I just don't deal with dickheads."

The entire hall stared at the girl, crying whilst holding her bleeding arm, she got up attempting to run. I grabbed her wrist tightly and she Yelp, causing everyone to gasp. "Go to the nurses office and say someone accidentally pushed you into the bubbler, if you tell the truth it'll be more than a fucking paper cut. Next time mind you're own business." She nodded and began her sprint as people watched in silence. " The rest of you mind your own business and if ANY ONE OF YOU so much as coughs a word of what happened I'll threaten all of you in a personal way until I find you, and I will fucking split your ass so I can shove your head farther up it, that's the warning threat."

I picked up my books, continuing my stroll to the library. I had seemed to be early, as usual. I came here to study arts techniques and learn languages to add aesthetic to my art in a foreign tongue. The room was empty, causing me to sigh in relief. I placed my books at a table, though someone else's seemed to be there as well. I shrugged and began a search for Korean history and language. Before you say anything, yes I've heard of Korean music but it's not my type. I listen to smashing pumpkins and Audio slaves. I'm not an emo, I just enjoy tuning people out with music I like. My eyes locked onto an Asian culture book, seeming pretty thick I decided to take it to the table and examine this fat ass journal of language.

I began to walk as a large warm hand grabbed my wrist softly and turned me around gently. The guy towered over me as I looked up. He smirked and let go of my wrist, leaving it cold without the hand around it. " I'm Jasper, nice to meet you in person Kay." A grin crawled onto my face as if it were some spider, yet I happen to like spiders. "You wanted me to meet you here why? If they assigned you to me we probably have at least one of the same classes, I could've just met you then." His hazel green eyes glimmered in the light, peaking through the shelves to see him.

I began to fully examine him, seeing that it was no rumor, he was fucking hot. His hair was a light brown, the light creating a Carmel highlight effect to it. Jasper was no common man, his lips were how a girl would wish hers, plump and soft, an amazing scent brought with him added to the way his lips looked like frosting. His jawline was sharp and defined to perfection. He had eyelashes that only added to the beauty of his gorgeous eyes, long black, thick eyelashes. His simple sentence had been enough to know he had a deep, hearty voice, filled with a bass that could make you flinch if he talked loud enough. His doc Martin boots matched the black ripped jeans he had worn, fitting perfectly with the talented name of a band, Nirvana. He liked Nirvana? Well no shit Kaden he's wearing a fucking shirt with their logo.

As I realized I had been staring at him for an awkward amount of seconds, he had been doing the same to me. We looked at eachother with a shocked expression, earning him to take the action of turning away. "Sorry for staring so long, your name fits you perfectly. Jasper is usually the name of someone you'd meet with handsome looks,most of the time people with such a name are nicer than usual people. You seem to fit that so far, I just- well I'm into sketching and art and um- you just looked so well in the lighting and I kind of wished I had drawn something like that." He chuckled and nodded. " I'm into art too, portraits, graffiti, sketching, poetry, anything artistic really! It's a small globe I like to think.." I smiled and nodded as agreement, when the girls were talking about him, they said he didn't touch girls in any way, and he even admitted he hates any girls that obsessed over him in any way, so why'd he grab me?

" what's your next class? I can skip and ruin the entire class to see what it is" He laughed in a hearty tone, but quiet enough so we wouldn't be yelled at. "It's art, the math, history, and English." I gasped "what the actual fuck I'm in the same things... ugh I have to see you?" I joked, we laughed and walked over to check my book out, shoving it into my bag. We walked out into the hallway, and everyone stopped to stare at us. These bitches had the nerve to whisper...
" SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING DRAMA CRAVING DEMONS!" My best friend Jace screamed, coming towards me. He knows I hate the whispers, the... rumors...

Hey! Thanks for checking my book out, I love you so much for taking a look :) please vote and comment if you like it, it would mean so much, I'm so exited to start this book, I can't wait to see where it goes ;p please, if you have ANY ideas comment them or privately message me, I'd like to make this book the best it can be, thanks for reading!
Lovin the pancakes🥞 lovin you too! ❤️🐛

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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