Digital welcome

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               Tony P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch reading all about time and the wonders of it, but then the next thing you knew sketchbook was yelling for me to come in the kitchen with her,I didnt know why she needed me, but since she doesnt have legs maybe she needed me to help move her to some place different, or maybe she wanted me to be creative with her. I walk into the kitchen, she greets me with excitement, I ask her what the fuss was all about,she was happy to announce that there was going to be a new teacher and that she couldnt wait to see him or her. I say "yeah" then I walk off into the living room again, I wondered if shrignold was going to meet the new teacher to. As I was walking towards the living room, I could hear an auto tuned voice singing, maybe that was the new teacher singing. I walk towards the room with the singing, I peek my head around the corner to see I small computer, that must be the new teacher, I was a little happy that he was short I liked being the tallest one in the house so far. As I was watching him sing I was amazed at the sight that he just grew tall, it was like he just sprouted arms and legs and he had a keyboard body,how did that happen? As he was about to finish his song, I knew that I needed to get out of there quick, so I ran to the living room, and to my surprise I see sketch there, I ask her how she got there, she said that she asked Shrignold to fly her over here, that explains it I thought to myself. I join her on the couch and watch cable TV, as we where watching cable TV we both here a voice that was coming from the door to the living room. We both look over to see the computer again, sketchbook greets him in a happy manner, and I say hello to him,he was a little shy at first but maybe he will get used to us. I ask him what was his name,he said that his name was Colin and that he hoped that he would be welcomed here, I told him not to worry because he was always welcomed here, he says thank you and walks over to the arm chair and sits down. He asks what the show was about and we tell him what its about.Once we finish I start watching the show again,I realized that i didnt really ask Colin why his monitor was showing pictures,I walk over to him and tap him kindly on the shoulder. He turns around and shouts "DONT TOUCH MEEE!!!!" I step back in surprise,sketchbook looks at us  concerned, he gets up and apologizes to me, he says that I just suprized him and he didnt like people touching him,especially Roy,it took him hours to delete all the porn from his memory. I apologize to I didnt know that he didnt like being touched,he said that it was ok and he also said that it kind of his fault because he forgot to tell us. I say that it was ok, he asks what I wanted before, I tell him that I wanted to know why you have pictures on your monitor,he says that the monitor shows his mood. I look at the monitor it had a little happy face on it,he must be happy I thought to myself. Me and him sit back down to watch the rest of the show. <Time skip>after the show was over I decide to make some tea in the kitchen,I tell Colin and Sketchbook that I will be right back he and she says ok and watches the show again. As I walk out I can hear Colin saying "wait up", I wait a moment for him to catch up with me,until he is right next to me but not touching of coarse. We walk together into the kitchen and I set up the tea, I ask him if he wants any,he nods, I put the cup down in front of him as he sits down across from me,a we are drinking our tea I ask him what he teaches about,he said that he teaches all about the digital world and all about the wonders of the computer,then he asks me what I teach and I told him that I teach all about time and the way it works. He was surprised and said that it sounds interesting but he already knows the time due to the digital time, I was a little sad that I couldnt tell him the time, but thats ok at least I could have a new friend. We talk as hours and hours pass by until it was time to go to bed,I tell him good nigh and walk in the living room to get on the wall and fall asleep,slowly and slowly I dose off.

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