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Before I start the story, you are probably wondering
"Why did you name the story s t a r s If you don't even mention stars?"
Well there is a reason
Not a super interesting reason but a reason
You'll find out soon :)
Okie dokie onto the story

Angel's POV
A tall, handsome, yet horrific looking demon stepped into our hotel. I see Vaggie yelling at him and just smirk, 'Classic Vaggie' I thought to myself.

Vaggie seems pissed off, I wonder why?
"So uh, what's the deal with smiles over there."
Then Vaggie just yells at me for not knowing who he is.

"Long ago, Alastor-"
I didn't listen to her because I honestly don't give a shit. I wonder if this Radio guy would be a top or bottom...
My mind wandered off as Vaggie finished her sentence

"He looks like a strawberry pimp." I say giggling


I awake to a loud noise

'11:38 pm?Who the hell is up' I think to myself
I put some shorts on and walk into the hallways searching for the noise and see Alastor pacing in the lobby

"Aye, Strawberry will ya shut it? I'm trying to sleep here!" I whisper

"Oh sorry for the disruption, I've just been.. thinking."

"About what?~" I say teasingly

"W A Y S T O K I L L Y O U." He says glaring at me

I would be lying if it wasn't a turn on

"Ah just kidding darling, I'm just worried about the hotel."

"Ah welp, I'm heading back to bed! Good night." I say walking back to my room

Alastor's POV

That annoying spider keeps talking to me, annoying yet cute- no.. just.. annoying.


I should head back to bed, we might have some guests tomorrow.

4:32 am


I awake to strange sounds, I decide to investigate incase we have an intruder.

Angel's POV

I got bored and horny so I decided to masturbate
After all, I'm not allowed to have sex but no one said I can't pleasure myself

I search around and find one of my vibrators

I slowly put it in moaning loudly, I quickly cover my mouth

'Damnit' I think to myself .

I continue to pleasure myself until my door opens

"GET OUT!!" I yell panicking

"Listen i was just trying to wOah-"

Alastor and I just stare at eachother

I quickly pull the vibrator out and cover myself

"Get out!!" I yell my face flustered

Charlie and Niffty run down the hall

"What happened?!" Asked Charlie

"N..nothing, I just walked in on him changing on accident.." Alastor says embarrassed

"Ohh okay phew!" says Charlie

Everyone goes back to back except for Alastor

"L..leave.." I say

"L..listen I won't tell anyone but you got to be more quiet when you're uh..doing that.." He says.

"Yeah yeah whatever.."

Alastor leaves

Why did I get flustered when he walked in?
I was just embarrassed right?
Wait I don't give a shit if anyone sees me like that, I'm a fuckin prostitute for fucksake
I probably just got suprised..


I go downstairs to see Alastor talking to girl, he was touching her thigh and they were kissing..

I felt sick

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