24† Lead Me Not

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"How much longer do you think it will be?" Lady Caterina tapped her finger on her desk next to the three books eagerly waiting for a message back from some of the other workers in the Vatican

Abel sat in the chair across from her desk with his head knocked back as he took the time to wait for a good chance to get a small snooze in. Sister Kate was standing holographically next to the chair and folded her arms unimpressed by the sleeping Abel. "No news as of yet. He is still bathing and being purified. The others believe he must soak in holy water for hours if not repeatedly for days. They believe the woman's blood is that of a curse. His Holiness is being blockaded from anything outside his royal room right now."

"And you've told them I must speak with him as soon as possible then?" Caterina traced the words on the books with her eyes.

"Yes, Ma'am. Every time I've inquired for you they sent me away with the same reasonings. Nothing has changed." Sister Kate lowered her eyes, almost ashamed, "I'm afraid I've even been kicked out of the room."

"Why don't we just go in forcefully?"

Both women looked to the slouched over Abel as he checked his coat pockets for a handkerchief. After wiping the drool from his mouth, he sat up stretching, "I mean, obviously they are playing you by now. They don't need to hide His Holiness any longer in his room. They know something is going on and they are just buying time from us. Days have already escaped us. A few more and it'll be weeks, then months. They'll say the same thing over and over to us until we do something different."

"Abel's right. I must speak to my brother. Francesco is just being petty and making things difficult." Caterina stood up and looked towards Sister Kate's projection, "Find a way for me to get in that room."

Kate nodded but looked up confused, "But, Ma'am, I don't even have clearance for the room, how will I even get you access?"

With a snicker, Abel started to clean his glasses, "I never said ask. If they want to play dirty then we might have to stoop just as low as them. Maybe we can bribe them too with some of our history books and findings. I'm sure they would love to dig through those books... Eden might not be so happy about it, but she doesn't really exactly... Uhm... Want to go through all of those memories again."

Caterina rubbed her temple thinking then quickly looked to Sister Kate, "Send Vaclav over to see me. I think he's our best chance to get into my brother's room. Maybe he can unlock a window or door to get me and Abel inside after."

"Right away ma'am." Kate faded away leaving Caterina and Abel alone together in their silence. Abel hunched himself over the desk and closed his eyes deep in thought.

As he exhaled, Caterina watched his shoulders sink down below his spine, "Abel. It'll be alright in the end. Everything will work itself out. There's no need to worry."

He stiffened a bit and stood up straight as he adjusted his glasses, "I'm sure it will be. Just this mess is either going to get extremely worse... Or," Abel looked at Caterina and smiled, "Or it'll actually get better. Which in our case, I hope it does."

Caterina stepped closer watching his eyes carefully, "And if it doesn't? If she never gets free?"

"Lamb to the slaughter, like blood in the water. It'll wash away, but still it'll be there taunting everyone who knows. That or she will find a way to get out and destroy the Vatican... Well, she might not actually be the one to destroy it here..." Abel made his way to the window, watching the sky start to darken into night, and pressed his palm to the glass with a smirk, "She after all is sided with our top enemy of the world... Contra Mundi..."

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