Chapter 1/Part 1: The Beginning of a Brand New Deck

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"Haghh... This is bad... The communicators are down, so is the Card Network.."
  A gem grumbled looking at reports from another forum.
"This is all because of that blasted Wild Card! We will get you Spinel-..."
"I'm afraid there will be no need for that."
  Another Gem showed up, looking at the reports layed out onto the desk, touching them with her hands.
"W-what are you doing here?! Why aren't you in headquarters, Elisa?"
The scientific Gem asked. Judging by context clues, the Gem that recently showed up was a superior of some kind.
"Why can't I visit, Julille? Anyways, how are card reports going? But we do need that Broken Gem. She can provide some valuable assets to our cause. She almost destroyed the Dimension of Stars, and she could have if her emotions didn't get the best of her."
  The boss-like Gem stated carefully with her words. She snapped her fingers and a black vial was brought to her immediately.
"A-Are those the tears of Hatred?"
  The scientific Gem named Juille asked. She seemed to fear them a tiny bit, judging by the shakiness from her own voice.
"Why yes, they seem to be. Soon, everything will be complete. The alliance will form, and soon enough, nothing will stop us. Only she can make them, and only these types of tears can power our desires. Study them for the meantime, and maybe you can prove some of your worth to me."
  The leader figure said, handing the inky black vial to the scientific figure.
  She stumbled in her bag, taking out a crumbled piece of paper. She handed the paper to the shadowy figure, who took it into her hands.
"Ms. Kaard, here are the reports of the injector. It has done severe damage to the Dimension, and we might be able to take over. T-The bio-poison has affected the area greatly, but the affects have been lessening in small amounts. We must seize in and take over-"
"That is enough, Julille."
  She said powerfully. The scientist named Julielle stepped back, seemingly more angry than fearful.
"Why don't you care about this project?! This was your dream! We don't have anymore oppertunities! This is our only chance!"
She blurted out, filled with much emotion. There was a mysterious rising tension in the room, and it filled Juille with a feeling.. an emotion. The emotion did not feel good, but the scent of magic was in the air, however it may possibly be. To be together. To have relationships... Even a possible friendship in this situation? Stop  joking... she made that decision a long, long time ago. All she can do now is guide her friend- leader figure, in the right direction. She was being too lazy.
"Alright then."
  Juille was taken aback a small bit by her response, and then the dialogue  continued unexpectedly. A small part of her wished to stop this madness, but she brushed it off. The magical tension grew much stronger after the leader figure responded ever so casually. It gave her the chills, which is supposed to be stated figuratively since she was a gem.
"R-Really? Well then, we must start planning right away! I'll help as much as I can... I promise you, I wont let you down, boss!"
  She said gleefully, not being able to express her happiness properly. The magical tension cut down a great amount, but some of it was still lingering in the air. It felt cold and unsettling, but her happiness was fighting away the negativity.
"Ok, and make sure you don't fail me, and... stay safe."
  She mumbled the last part quietly while looking away, and Juille smiled gleefully. The tall figure smiled under her sight, and closed the door. Her expression quickly changed to dullness, and walked away. The scientific figure started working on the invasion, trying her very best to please her, and... maybe this story will go her direction if she tries hard enough. There must be some type of hope for her dream... because even the enemy have their hopes and dreams... it's just that some beings might not agree with these hopes and dreams, and follow their own.

  A familiar magenta figure found a ruined deck of cards on her face while she was sleeping in the palace. D-Did she fall asleep again? What were these random and pointless dreams about... augh... it's hard to remember... Deck of Destroyers... project.. eh. It was probably nonsense. Gems don't have to sleep, but she was having random slumbers that were out of her own control. She took the tattered deck of cards and placed it on a pink desk. She was in a room in the palace, and she walked out the door. Skipping through the corridors, she arrived to where White was, sitting on her chair.
"Morning My Diamond!"
She sung gleefully. A brightness shimmered through, while a sinister aura was floating, dancing around the  shadows of the room.
"Awh, dearest Spinel, I've told you to just call me White! You are one of us, after all!"
  The shimmering Diamond told her. She nodded along to her asking, and she smiled even more brightly.
"But it's only the least I can do, White! After all, you've been so kind to me the past 2 weeks, I can't ever repay such gratitude!"
  She thanked gracefully. But there seemed to be something on the Diamond's mind, as she seemed a bit less radiant than usual, and a bit of pink was showing in her spectrum. It was unusual for her, and Spinel was getting worried for her, but just the smallest amount. It's been hard keeping up with all her responsibilities, as a leader and a friend. But she was getting a bit tired, and she was also quite curious.
"Something wrong, White?"
  She asked carefully, trying not to upset the brilliant figure. She wanted to know what was making her seem off, and she really worried about her quite a lot. It felt like she was the caretaker, even though she was the one watching out for them. It was kinda ironic, honestly.
"Well, actually yes. Have you seen a tattered deck of cards anywhere? It's sort of something I'm looking for."
  She explained with a hint of worry in her voice. The deck of cards must be important somehow, and Spinel knew just the answer. She was relived that she had the power to ease the Diamond's worries. She spoke up a bit more, hoping to give her some helpful tips, or the exact location of the deck of cards.
"Oh, a tattered deck of cards? I think so! When I woke up, it was on my face, so I placed it onto the desk, and then hopped over onto here."
  She exclaimed. The Diamond sighed in relif. She heard her mutter something under her breath but she decided to wave it off. White seems relieved, and that fills her with relief.
"I see. So, may I bring the deck of cards to you?"
  She asked politely. She needs to be of use somehow, and she doesn't want to make her feel sad. She needs to do something kind and good for her, somehow. Even if it's just bringing her a feck of cards.
"Ah, well, it's no problem. I'll have Pink Pearl carter it off here. You don't have to do anything after all the things you have done here. This is supposed to be a place where you can ease your worries, not a place for you to serve, sunshine."
  The radiant being said, shimmering. Her uneasiness dissapeared, and Spinel was glad to see the pink be lifted from her face. She nodded while waving a pleasant goodbye, and then walking off into the distant corridors.
  Spinel looked much more tidier and neat, and she looked much brighter than before. Her attire was very clean and neat, which made her look like she was well pampered. Judging on how she looks, you could tell that she was doing great. Although some gems tried to attack her on many occasions, she easily poofed them and afterwards, they apologize profusely.
"A place to ease yourself, huh? Well, I'm content enough."
  She quietly whispered to herself. White always looked off for some reason, but she was always stressed from the peer pressure of Steven. He... wasn't always the best to Spinel for some reason, but she couldn't blame him. She was always terrible, in some way. She looked out a clear as crystal window and smiled, as she gazed upon Homeworld's dazzling light, flourishing with peace and kindness.
  She walked upon the halls, looking at the glass momuments and designs of the four diamond figures. She couldn't be very angry at Pink, but she was just a bit sad. Friendship... wasn't going to be easy for her.
  She walked along rows, and rows of shimmering technology, occasionally passing by, and waving at a Gem. She traversed back to her room, and sat on the large magenta bed. She looked at the deck of cards on the desk, and her smile faltered for a bit. This was the cause of White's discomfort.
  Then, while she was contemplating decisions, Pink Pearl came into the room, apologizing for the inconvenience that she had to burst through, destroying her train of thought.
"S-Sorry about that!~ White just told me to get the deck of cards from your desk!"
  She said, stumbling a bit. It seems as if she had quite a lot of unpleasantness on her mind, and things seem to not work out very well for her. Spinel noticed this, and she asked the broken gem if she was doing swell.
"Hey, Pinkie, you ok? There seems to be a tension in the air. Is the deck causing it?"
  She asked, hopefully being answered a pleasent answer. Hopefully, it isn't about loving and admiring her old leader figure. She wasn't the best example for Pink Pearl, and she was a pretty toxic being.
"Ah, n-nothing. Anyways, bye!"
  She said, quickly taking the tattered deck of cards and shutting the door, as clattering footsteps could be heard shuffling farther away into the direction of the room White was inside. Spinel wondered what was wrong with Pinkie, but then again, she was always like this, so she decided to brush things off  as if they were nothing. She can't worry, because  if she did, she would worry White. Speaking of worrying about diamonds, she hasn't seen Blue and Yellow in a small while. Maybe it was the peace treaty buisness White was always going on and on about.
  She then realized that she has become much more attentive these past 2 weeks. Maybe relaxing is best for her, and if she was there with the Crystal Gems, she would just hold everyone down. She should just stay away from the direct warp pad, and continue her buisness in the palace. She traversed down into another room, thirsty for more exploration abound the palace. She heard whispers in the dark staircase, so she hid behind the wall.
"But Yellow, Spinel hates to even bring the Crystal Gems up in conversations! How will she even stay with them for a week?"
"But Blue, she needs this. She is always too focused in pleasing us when she needs to play out there, enjoy herself instead of being trapped in this silly old palace. Don't you want what's best for her?"
"Yellow... sigh... I guess we have to. St least we'll see her on the Holiday party on Thursday."
"Well, we must deliver this news to White. Come."
  Spinel heard loud approaching footsteps as she runs away hurriedly, trying not to believe what she has just heard. This was a dream. No way this is real. No, this is a nightmare. How can she handle being with the Crystal Gems after what happened? She has not really reconciled with them after what happened 2 weeks ago. She came down to a halt once she arrives back in her room, and she jumps flat face onto the bed, telling her it was going to be fine. She then immediately calmed down afterwards, and just as expected, Yellow Pearl knocked on the door.
"Hey, Spinel? The Diamonds are calling you..."
  The Pearl said calmly through the door. Spinel opened it and gave a signal of wellness, that she would be there. The Pearl nodded, as she gracefully slipped away to the Diamond Throne room. She sighed, as she hopped her way back along to the Throne room as well. This seemed to be very important, as all three Diamonds were their with their Pearls, Pink Pearl acting for White's Pearl.
"Um... nice to see you White, Blue, and Yellow! May I ask why you called me to this seemingly important meeting?"
  She asked casually. Everyone had a nervous look on their face, especially Spinel, who was trying so hard to be the most cheerful one there.
"Well, Spinel... We have some important business to attend to, so we decided that Steven and the rest of the  group will be where you will be staying for a week, and I hope not any longer."
  White Diamond told Spinel as calmly and as possibly. She had an even more nervous look on her face as Spinel looked even more disappointed when she found out it was actually true. But Spinel still kept a wavering smile on her face, and that look made the Diamonds regret doing this even more. Blue Diamond looked over to where Pink Pearls hands were, holding the deck of cards. Looking at them seemed to upset Blue, and she looked back at Spinel, hopeful.
"Please? For us, Spinel?"
  Blue asked as lightly as a Lily flower. Her tone was soft and welcoming, and she looked back before answering  contemplating a bit before turning around. She heaves a large sigh and then looks up at the three staring sets of eyes that linger upon her. She determinedly steps toward into the light, and speaks out her answer.
"Ok, I'll oblige. When do we start the process?"
  She asked maturely. The Diamonds looked at her in awe, but then quickly turned into embarrassment. They look at her with sorry eyes, before Yellow finally answering.
"Well, we have to start immediately, since we haven't enough time."
Spinel knew this was going to be the answer from the start. She nodded as she began to make her way back to her chambers, and she started looking in her drawer. There was something odd there, and it wasn't there before. It was a beautiful deck of cards, each one embedded with a star on it. But instead of a full deck of cards, there were only 9 cards in the deck. She decided to store it inside her Gem for safe keeping, while storing other things inside as well. She looks at a wall, and on it was 4 rhombus shapes of different colors. One was white, one was yellow, another was blue, and the last one was pink. She smiled a small bit before turning away. She then started to do something intresting.
  She said softly as the tear stains grew slightly thicker and larger. Magic was swirling around her and something was forming in her hands, enveloped in a pink light. A scythe appeared, and it was quite similar to the rejuvinator, but it could do pain and damage instead of just poofing gems. It quite dangerous, because it could shatter multiple gems in a single swipe. It suddenly appeared overnight, and then she could suddenly do magic. It could also become a staff to use magic in, but she preferred to do it by hand, and she didn't like to use it since it made her feel like something was wrong all the time. Magic encircled her, and the tear stains were rapidly getting larger. She suddenly closed it off, and the scythe disappeared. She hurriedly then went back to the throne room, and wished the Diamonds well.
"Bye Blue, Yellow, and White!"
  Spinel said gleefully, but had an undertone of sadness and bitterness, although could not be recognized by them.
"Make sure you stay safe, and to not use the dark magical energy!"
  Blue said, as a message and a tip, just like a friend. She waves goodbye gracefully as the other diamonds answer as well. She didn't really know what was going on, and why they had to leave Spinel with the Crystal Gems, but they were going to do something very dangerous, and White requested it as well.
"Don't forget to contact us if anything goes wrong!"
"Make sure you do the same!"
  Yellow said, followed by a reply from Spinel. Yellow was worried for Spinel, and she wondered if this was really a good choice for her. She always questioned White's decisions somehow, and she was questioning them more intensely now. There was something off, and the three Diamonds needed to go fix it. But White worries for Spinel so much... she's like her only sunshine. This is dangerous.... and thos should not be a burden for Spinel. There is no going back after this.
"I wish you the best of luck, my little sunshine!"
  White said happily, with an undertone of sadness and regret, which could be hinted up by Spinel. White couldn't risk losing her.. not like Pink. She wasn't going to isolate an adventurous soul again, and she doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes again, and possibly lose another loved and cherished one. There is no going back, and she only wants her to be unharmed of this project and mission- To eradicate the creation of the Deck of Destroyers.
  Spinel waves back at the large, celestial beings, and hops on the warp pad, and then while traversing through the warp pad, she noticed everything feeling a bit nostalgic and slow. She realized that Steven and the other Crystal Gems might still hate her, but maybe the story will have a happy ending on this side. After all, happy endings for the good people are bright and amazing.....



//Hey everyone! What do you think of the new series? Pretty cool, huh? Anyways, about "A Shattered Heart", It wasn't really turning out as well as I hoped, and the characters don't really act like they're supposed to, and the thing is, I was working on a Halloween special, and I'm still not finished on it, and it's almost Thanksgiving. So maybe I should rewrite the story, and continue on from there. What do you guys think? Anywas, I've noticed that my story wasn't getting enough votes and attention to motivate me well enough. But for the true fans out there, I'll try my best! But if you do like my stuff, please at least comment, and you can tell me what to change if you don't like it. But anyways, that's it. I wish you all an early Thanksgiving, and hope you all the best luck of the holidays!!//

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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