Chapter 1

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You stared at the front of the class where your old friends, Spinel and Peep (PinkPearl) were sitting. Watching them idly chat with one another. You would've thought nothing against it, but you've seen the way Spinel acts towards her. You weren't going to lie though and say you weren't hurt by the fact you feel left out. Let alone feeling pretty jealous that Spinel never hangs out with you anymore. Whenever they would stand together, she would be damn near against Peep. They would tend to forget about you whenever they would go somewhere, especially during school.

It eventually got to the point where you felt so left out, that you'd declined any invitation from them to hang out. You wouldn't include yourself in any of the conversations they held and would just sit there silently before excusing yourself from the group. It hurt you a lot actually that the two didn't even acknowledge how long you would leave the group and return within 30 to 45 minutes later.

So... You eventually stopped talking to them. Slowly and slowly drifting away from them. Especially Spinel. Avoiding her as much as possible whenever you could, looked away from her whenever they would pass by or would just leave class as fast as possible whenever it was over. But you also made it clear to her that you still cared for her very much.

And maybe a little something more.  Yet you chose to push that aside as well...

You ended growing closer to another group of friends. A group that people called the Crystal Gems. Steven was the one who had introduced you to them in the first place, trying to fill in the hole that Spinel had made in your heart.

Garnet was a good friend of yours. She was calm and collected most of the time let alone patient with majority of the stuff that happens to the group. Or within the group. She was also a good friend to vent to, listening to what you needed to say to get off your chest before giving any advice that she would recommend. Somehow, she seemed to even know things before it had even happened.

Pearl was the one to fuss over her friend's health and safety. She also seemed to be a perfectionist when it comes to certain stuff. Though she would help you out whenever it came to studying for a test or doing homework. She and Amethyst seemed to bicker a lot though, yet they seemed to have a pretty close relationship with each other.

Then there was Amethyst who was the laid back one within the entire group. She was your go to person whenever it came to having fun. Yet she was the one to also do some stuff that would get you and her in trouble and get a scolding from Pearl. Though if she needed to, she'd become serious to show she wasn't just some person to mess with. Let alone her friends. That's why she ended up becoming one of your closest friends within your group.

But there was also another person that seemed to acknowledge your lack of presence within their group.

Spinel had ended up noticing as well that you haven't really showed up to your little group with her and Peep anymore. Let alone talked to her in quite some time. It pissed her off a little to know that you didn't want to hang around her anymore, which you still wanted to by the way. She wanted to talk to you about it, but you would just brush her off saying that 'It's nothing' and that 'you were fine and that you were currently doing something'.

Spinel knew it was utter bullshit and that you were lying to her. She was even more pissed off at the fact that you left without saying anything before moving off to another group of 'friends'.  It felt like PD (Pink Diamond) all over again. And she wasn't going to let that happen again. Not with you...

If she were honest with herself, she was pretty jealous with how you were happy without her. Or so she thought. She needed to have a little talk with you anyways.

You were currently by your locker, getting your books for your next class that was going to start within 15 minutes. Amethyst and Steven were right beside you.

Can We Just Talk? (College!AU Human!Spinel X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now