Devil and Angel

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Darkness all we can see is darkness around the room and heart piercing painful shout begging to kill him.

Outside some man holding guns keeping watch on that person seeing their face we can guess that that person's painful shout is not melting their heart oops correction stone heart.

Soon a one of most expensive Bugatti La car entered the gate of mansion alerting guards, one guard came and opened the door of car, Man in mid 20's got down from car buttoning his black tuxedo and started to walk followed by his guards.... Soon he entered the dark room where person was kept.

By now that's person's shouts is subsided may be he got tired of screaming and jerked seeing lights after long time... Yes LONG TIME because he was made to live in darkness from last 1 month only one time food was fed him that too only to keep him alive and was beaten up badly everyday that too in darkness (guards used to wear heat censer glasses) his face turned pale seeing that MAN standing in front of him, his face turned white, horror passed through his face watching a DEVIL in from of him...

Person: devil I m sorry please leave me please... Kill me I can't bear this torture more please I beg you cried but it didn't effected that Man

Evil smirk appeared on Man's face: sure your this wish will soon be fulfilled ( to another man who is standing his left side) john leave rats on him

Person screamed at top of his voice: NO please No devil show mercy on me please No....

Devil: devil never show mercy he only knows to punish who back stab him have a very bad journey he wore his shades and lefts from there.....

Soon room lights got turned off and scream got louder and louder....

John: Boss why you said us to leave insects instead of rats? It's will not harm him

Devil: you know what is death? Biggest death is your FEAR to kill him we don't need to use any weapon or any animal fear is enough to kill you... Now whenever insects will touch him or crawl upon him he will think rats are playing with his and this fear will slowly steadily will kill him... Saying this he left from there leaving shocked John

John: really Boss is DEVIL in true sense


Sanskar Maheshwari: knows as DEVIL in Mafia world only his name is enough to send shiver in whole world but no one knows him by Face... For world he is SM Business tycoon who is owner who chains of hotels, hospitals, collages.... And he is also famous for his CHARITY... He owns many NGOs which help victims and orphanages.... Mafia and charity weird isn't it? It is because till now no one can understand what is he....

John: DEVIL'S right hand, left hand all in one... He is with Sanskar from birth of devil. He is fearless and very loyal to Sanskar, one word from Sanskar it will be completed at any cost. His moto To reach Devil you have to pass through ME which is not at all easy as he himself is not less than monster. But sometimes he to fail to understand Sanskar....

Aman: Sanskar's P.A


Car was moving but driver put break all of sudden leading sanskar jerk.

San: can't you drive correctly? Asked in anger.

Driver: sir all of sudden one girl came in front of car so I applied break said in fear

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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